Frozen Cargo created by duff himself DOWNLOAD FROZEN CARGO This is a smaller map built on avalanche. The map is totally suspended and it does have the "juicy" filter on so the mood of the map is very unique. Story I wanted to try and stay true to Halo so I based this map off of the company that stamps its name on every cargo box on here. With my map being surrounded by boxes it only seemed natural I talk about Traxus. We don't know much about the Traxus Company but during campaign we saw the Traxus Factory Complex 09 attacked... then retaken... lost to the flood... then finally destroyed. Its the basis for the Foundry map actually! Well, what ever happen to the Traxus company? Well my take on this map was that there were a bunch of sub-stations that were sort of middle men in the delivery process. Some like Frozen Cargo were abandoned and let to rot after the main factories were decimated during the war. The cargo is stacked all around and now its a great smaller space for soldiers to hone their skills for battle. Players 2-8. (Was not tested for over 8 but I always wanted to do a huge FFA game!) This map supports ALL gametypes but it was intended for slayer/swat. Testing for flag and assault games were fun but the size of the map kinda hurt the chaos of objective games. Weapons/Equipment Include: - 1 deployable cover (120 seconds) - 1 power drain (120 seconds) - 1 brute shot (1 spare clip & 60 seconds) - 1 shotgun (1 spare clip & 60 seconds) - 2 smgs (1 spare clip each & 45 seconds) - 2 spikers (1 spare clip each & 45 seconds) - 4 battle rifles (1 spare clip each & 45 seconds) - 2 carbines (1 spare clip each & 45 seconds) - 4 plasma grenades - 4 frag grenades - 2 spike grenades Layout Ok, some lets go through some pictures (keep in mind the juicy filter makes these look darker than the map is for some reason) This shot is above the "attackers side" of the map during objective games. There is a small lower area thats not shown here. (The entrance would be to the right of the ramp if you were walking up it) Ok, so if we go up that the ramp from the picture before and turn right... On the far side wall you can see where the brute shot is placed. The ceiling here is very strange. Kinda reminds me of the optical illusion scene (with the door) from the willy wonka movie. Its wide open until you get to the top of the ramp... makes for interesting grenade deaths. Anyway on with the tour...we walk up and stand on the ramp we just mentioned to look back from where we came. That barrier that is there was not sunken into the floor because I found that a well thrown grenade actually can go under the raised section on the bottom and make for great kills. Ok so we head to the opening on the right and look up the hill. The shotgun is against the wall to the right (pretty much the center of the map). The barrier on this hill is placed into the floor because cover was needed from people camping on top of the box there. Also power cores are placed at the top to help out with kills too! The power drain is up in that blue box though so you might not be as safe as you think. I added a deployable cover in the room we just came from for just that reason... Here is another shot of that upper box area. If you turn left just in front of the box leads to the final part of my map. Like something out of a sci-fi movie I have smoke in my map! Play tests show that grenades bounce pretty well on that blast door floor too so watch out for that. I added a raised area just to make it look like something was sinking in the ooze. Power cores were added due to too many people chilling out up there. This is also the defenders side during objective games. Another shot of that area... So here is the link again... DOWNLOAD FROZEN CARGO Let me know what you think and of course good or bad comments are always welcome!
Looks great. I really like it. Its good to see that most people now know that the new objects can be intrelocked. It appears to be a very close quarters kind of map.
I always enjoy it when others try to incorporate story elements into their maps. That's why I loved the whyher's Tension, for an example. This is also interesting, because while the mapping looks too cramped to be playable, there's a chance it'll actually be fun.
Yo This map looks like a lot of time was spent interlocking. I wondering if this was done in crevice between the mancannons or in the normal map. Either way, Ill get back later after playing.
yea GREAT job looks wise this map ROCKS love the idea and the whole idea of a cargo ship that has accually has crates as boundaries for the map
Nah, its not inside the ice cave. Its actually floating right outside the left base... I can't recall if thats blue or red tho.
looks very nicely interlocked. i like the way the map looks. i especially like the "smoke" floor. good job
i just had a run through and there is not much that i can say but nice job with the interlocking. i personally thought it was a tad small but otherwise it was really quite good. keep up the work 4/5
I agree. I went through it with JAYclash, I love how that there's part of one of those frozen boulders incorporated. Interlocking and setout are awesome, but as JAY said it is a bit smaller than I had had expected.
I like this map because of the simple yet innovative interlocking. My favorite place is the upper box area because it looks like some good battles could go on there. Overall the map is pretty well done. 4/5
Thanks for the comments! Yea it is a bit smaller than I wanted it to be but I basically ran out of boxes. The ramps allowed people to grenade jump out in spots so that is why the walls needed to be so high. I'm usually not a fan or cramped maps but this one is really growing on me. Swat games seem to work out nicely on here. There is no place to hide really on this map so the pace is much faster than most. ... And if you want to get a little crazy try a bigger FFA territories game. Its pure chaos!
Looks really well done. I cant complain about the small area, cause I like 1v1 maps for my son and I to play on. Good Job.
looks good, very original, and seems to be good interlocked a job well done i think. il have to download it sometime to check out everything a bit better, but from the screens it looks good to me
this looks great and i love what you did with the rock and the gold barrier things cant recall the name right now but it adds a more natural feel to it and makes it not so box like