Introduction Ocho 2 is the recreation, or re-imagination, of a map I created for Halo 3 called The Ocho. Some of you may have played on The Ocho, and it was probably my favorite creation on Halo 3. For those of you who did play the original, it will be easy for you to recognize the basic layout of the map, but there have been quite a few new pathways added. So for those of you who are new to Ocho 2, you are about to be thrown into a symmetrical octagon of hectic awesomeness! Yes, it is symmetrical but don't worry, I made sure to differentiate the blue and red sides for easy navigation. Ocho 2 is also quite aesthetically pleasing, if I do say so myself. I have included a diverse selection of weapons to satisfy your itching trigger finger as well: DMR: 6--30 sec Sniper: 2--150 sec Rockets: 1--180 sec Plasma pistol: 2--45 sec Plasma repeater: 2--90 sec Needle rifle: 2--45 sec Spiker: 2--45 sec Concussion rifle: 2--150 sec Magnum: 2--30 sec Stickies: 4--45 sec Frags: 2--30 sec Well thats enough text for me so now we will move on to the important part, screenshots! All the screenshots are from the blue side, but as you already know, the red side is the same. Blue initial spawn Sniper room Below initial spawn Upper hallway Blue to Red bridge Main hallway Jump-lift to upper hallway As always, thanks for reading this thread and be sure to download Ocho 2 and give it a try. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, or I'll refund your money! Don't forget to comment, like, suggest to friends and all that good stuff. I almost forgot to mention, special thanks to the Testers Guild for the feedback. I had been pretty busy and I'm glad you guys were there to help improve the map.
Looks like a great map, I would not have a problem if its small map. I prefer smaller well thought thru maps rather then giant maps where you cant afford to make the details properly. How has the playtests been anyway? Good work! // DeStarfighter
This map was rather enjoyable to test. It's not too often that a map goes through the TG that I find to be entertaining. I really enjoy symmetric maps with plenty of room to flank the opposition. This map offers just that. It was probably a wise choice to get rid of the shotgun in the end. It was rather overpowered in some of the objective games. Good luck in future endeavors!
One thing I noticed that I nearly never see is the way you utilized the upside down platforms.. Also, I find this map to be very interesting, it's not often I run into an included map that has nice aesthetics without causing lack of flow or fun in the game. I'm glad I dl'ed.
The map is really not small, its a good size for 4v4 games. It supports all gametypes, but Team Slayer, KoTH, and HH play well. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I really wanted to make sure that players could easily move throughout the map without really having to think about it. I also wanted to provide a good weapon variety, but you are correct about the shotgun. I think those x-large platforms are very useful, I just wish there were more haha. I also think aesthetics are important to a good map, and I enjoy trying making my maps both fun to play on and look at.
I played this map earlier as part of an 8 player party for the TGIF bi-weekly event and I think this map stood head and shoulders above the rest of the maps we played. The greatest thing about this map is that it promotes excellent player movement and provides great line of sight from each area. It's not too hard to escape combat, but it's not difficult to get kills. The ammo count for the snipers are fine (I never personally picked rockets up though) and the weapon locations are great. I personally loved the way you created the rock piece as a line of sight breaker form one side to the other. The only problem I have with the map (and I believe it may prevent this map from ever being featured) is the framerate lag you get when looking from one side of the map to the other down the rocket hall. Fix this, and you could be earning yourself a feature.
I enjoyed playing this map well put together me and my mates had a fun slay game on it just the type of map i love playing and told them to download as well
I think your second paragraph basically sums up my hopes for this map. As for the FR lag, I rarely experienced it but I know its a factor. I am currently trying to trim the map down more if possible, and I am considering removing the lights since I think both sides are already fairly distinguishable. Thoughts?
This has been something that's been discussed. I'd remove the lights and get a game going on it. I think it might just be that you need to place an item (like a brace large) that acts as a column at each end of the rockets bit so when you get passed it, you don't have to render the whole corridor, just half at a time. See how it goes with the lights first. I personally liked the effect they gave. As you say, the FPS lag isn't that extreme but I could see it being turned down for that as it's a competitive map and FPS affects gameplay.
I remember playing this map back in Halo 3. It was fun, for the most part. The aesthetics seem a little dull in this compared to Halo 3. That in no way makes the map less good than it was in Halo 3, however it does make it less eye-catching than it previously was. Despite that, I still enjoyed the map as I did in Halo 3. Good job. 8/10
Every once and awhile I download a map that completely humbles me as a forger, and this is one of them. I love the varied use of pieces you used, especially the reciever node/antenna small mix down the lighted halls. I also loved your map because, though it has only 2 floors, there are custom heights for many rooms and lots of little ups and downs. You're also one of the few mapmakers who does not use man cannons to get between floors, which are nice but I'm starting to get tired of them. For the weapons I worry about the snipers though. This is a lot of sniper ammo on a 4 v. 4 map, and this may be the reason the rockets seem to be underused. maybe 0 spare clips but a faster re-spawn time? I also thought the territories in the sniper rooms were too big, making them too easy to contest and difficult to actually hold. Other than that, your map is an inverse symmetry wonder that I rank up with Attainment and Retroactive. Great Job! P.S. Love the ripples in the walls too, how did you do those?
Update I have uploaded a new version of the map which has been trimmed down a little bit, hopefully reducing the minor FR issue looking across the main hallway. Download Well I went ahead and removed the lights, as well as adding two 1x1 block talls in the middle like you suggested. I also cut the budget a little more on top of that. Thanks for the positive feedback man. As far as what I think you are referring to as ripples, the walls/columns on the bottom floor were made using platform x-larges.
Stickied by Stevo from Tuesday - 2/1/11 to Sunday 2/6/11 Reason: I feel Ocho 2 had an unbelievable amount of potential and I believe it's been executed extremely well. I also think the community are yet to recognise this so I'm giving it a helping hand...
This map is really cool, this is really well forged and has a lot of good spaces, and great aesthetics, each weapon looks like ut is carefully placed, the rocket standing in an upside down flag is a great idea, I have not thought of using it to stand weapons. Very well forged . Great map, looking forward to putting it through its paces on some customs.
Based on the pictures, I'm really digging the layout. It looks like it would promote good movement. I might download it. I don't play a whole lot but I might get on for a few runs on this. The middle part is aesthetically awesome in my opinion. The pointed rocked and jump down is awesome. Well done. You've earned a thumbs up in my book. Regards, HeCtic
Same here it looks amazing. I have not played it, but the layout does remind me of something back in Halo 3. But im sure I have never played it. Anyhow, I desperate to get customs on this. Im dying to know how this map plays. Ill edit this post when I play it. BTW, congrats on the sticky!
I Dl'd the new version. I feel removing the lights was well worth the payback in getting rid of lag, much better than blocking the windows would have. The snipers are still a judgement call, I suppose 1 clip in the snipers isn't too bad, I just wonder if this causes any problems. Probably nothing to be too worried about though, your map is big enough. The plasma pistol block was cool before, I know it was removed due to lag, but that little break in the flow just felt very natural right there, you felt pulled around it, now it's just a little disappointing. I still love this map and I hope it gets a feature. If I can I will try to get some games next customs nights. Great Job, keep inspiring the rest of us!
I appreciate the sticky Stevo, it did boost the dl's by a good bit. Btw did you get to check out the new version? Nice pun as well. Well I hope you did actually download it, it will be worth your time. Originally, the middle was more open and it really needed something there to partially block the LoS. So I went through a few different versions and that rock structure ended up doing the job. It looks good too so, win-win Yeah the changes were really only aesthetic, but they really helped by getting rid of the minor FR issues. And the snipers work well I believe, since they have a very high respawn time. Thanks to everyone for the comments
Ocho 2 Ocho 2 presents itself as a highly competitive creation combined with a wide array of bold aesthetic pieces. Ocho 2 does a very good job of conveying competitive gameplay. Upon spawning the player can quickly engage in firefights. Even if this map is great for highly competitive players, the design feels awkward and clunky in some aspects. But since it's competitive style of gameplay is teamed up with such great aesthetics, Ocho 2 definitely is a map worth downloading. Even with this combination, there are still issues that need to be ironed out on Ocho 2. The design of Ocho 2 is not the most creative. Competitive matches played on the map feel lacking in flair. The room-to-room combat does not enhance the replay-ability that should be put forth in competitive creations. Although this room-style combat is prevalent, the weapon choice aids in flushing out opponents in adjacent rooms. The design needs help, but the aesthetics and overall competitive appeal shines through. Ocho 2 just feels like a competitive theme is emanating from it, and for this reason, Ocho 2 just needs to be played. The map exemplifies competitive style play but becomes repetitive. If the player is very competitive, than they will definitely enjoy at least one or two games on Ocho 2. The weapon set on Ocho is generic and typical, everything is balanced out. The twin sniper rifles bring some fun combat to the table, and they prove to be useful for mid-range, as well as for close-range no-scoping. The rockets provide a nice way to flush out opponents in rooms, as do the concussion rifles. Even if it is easy to take out an opponent in an adjacent room, it is not the style of gameplay many players enjoy. This simplistic design makes gameplay seem bland. The room-to-room combat gets old after some games. Many of the sight lines throughout the map are broken up in tidy and clean manners. The central rock piece is a prime example of breaking up line-of-sight without it hindering aesthetics. Coupled with this clever use of blocking sight lines is flawless spawning. After each death the player never spawned in front of an enemy. The player could quickly get involved in each fight after dying without being in immediate danger. Even if the design of Ocho 2 isn't flawless, it is sincrease fairly balanced map. Slight inclinations throughout the map vary much of the combat, and jumps from certain areas, such as the jump from sniper spawn to the window, proved to be highly useful. And the spawning, aside from a few minor mishaps, is almost flawless. With these great traits, Ocho 2 is a great map for competitive play. Durability is definitely no problem on Ocho 2, aside from some minor room camping. With the map having a roof it is impossible to escape using armor abilities. Not many cheap areas around the map pose any form of an advantage over the other team, except when a team has control over one of the higher rooms. It can be easy to camp up in the higher areas of the map, if the player has a power weapon such as a sniper rifle. Even if camping on some of the rooms in the map is evident, Ocho 2 is mainly solid in terms of durability. The creative use of objects throughout Ocho 2 dramatically enhance the aesthetic appeal. Curved walls and clean floors give the map it's feel. Much of these decorative pieces truly add an amazing aesthetic prowess unlike many other standard maps. The simple design choice gives Ocho 2 it's unique look. The central area is well made and blocks line-of-sight. Even if most of the site lines are blocked, screen lag is present, and it is very minimal and only occurs in a few long sight lines. This screen lag is very minor, but it should be dealt with because it can be a game-breaker in competitive maps Even so, it is the detail put throughout Ocho 2 that really makes it its own. The use of glass on the outskirts of the map make the play space feel much less cramped and they also help the player orient themselves. With all of these aesthetic touches, Ocho 2 creates its own, unique feel. The typical competitive design is put forth on Ocho 2. The map is essentially a cross on top of another cross with other various connecting paths. The map encourages room-to-room combat, and such gameplay is typical in other competitive creations. This generic gameplay is enhanced through the use of the usual weapon set; rockets in the center with two snipers at each base. Even so, the aesthetic talent put forward is what makes up for some of it's unoriginal design and weaponry. The objects are used in many unique ways. Detail put into the walls, floors and roof are nothing short of amazing. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality:[/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 27 out of 30 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30 8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15 6 x 1.0 = 6 out of 10 Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
Every time I see this map I get inspired to forge. I'm glad it got bumped back up. The design is professional, the aesthetics pleasing and the use of forge items is very nice. I'm lazy and need to DL this and play it so that I can actually comment on the gameplay. It looks like it flows rather well based on the pics.