Hey guys I'm looking for people to test out my new Grifball map. Description: This map is located right on the peak of the mountain on the Paradiso Island and is best suited for Grifball Evolved.
I think it's great you're getting tests underway before releasing a map, but you might want to pit up some preview screenshots of your map. I don't think people will be as willing to test if they see a newer member posting without pictures. Also, I spotted you're from Australia, which gives you and I a massive time gap. I'll test if I can, but it may be difficult.
Yeah sorry this is my first actual thread.... Below is some pictures of my map from 4 different angles, two of them however are purely aesthetic while the other 2 show the main arena: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Hope that's what your after
Or you could shut up because the TG is overloaded and plenty of people post here for tests. How to Post Pictures (●̮̮̃•̃)
Hey man, I'm Aussie and I'll help you test. I love grifball customs, in matchmaking i just find alot of aggro kids who will betray teammates in their hunt for spawn killing killionaires. In future you should post your gamertag aswell, because people's forgehub name is not always the same as their gamertag, but I personally think that the thread poster should ask people to to private message them their gamertag and then you send them the friend request. People say that they'll help and then forget to send you the friend request, I've done it before. GT: ScalpelTechniqe
Awesome...my GT is my forum name (Prof Obvious) and I'm usually on weekends most of the day and occasionally on afternoons during the week (school).