Even though it contains weapons not required in the mlg playlist or gametype, they were just thrown in there for basic team slayer reasons. If you want to clear the weapons off the map, you are free to go. But when it's saved under your name, I don't recommend putting it in your fileshare and claiming ownership of the map. Heheh there is no copyright but please don't. Thanks. YouTube - Forge Map- mlg
Well it would help if you read the description There are only about 2 needlers and I put everything in there cuz I got lazy and don't like having two versions of the same map. But I get your point
Map making is about the convenience of downloading and playing it without having to edit it ourselves or else we would make it ourselves lol i'm not complaining! Just talking outa boredom. o but the name should definetly be something much more original please
sure I might change it soon but im not making another video on youtube about it. I wander if I can change the name of the video though... I'll have to go see. thanks
you have to realize that if you explain to us in your post that you are lazy and cant be bothered to fix the map, make alterations, or accept constructive criticism, then why should any of us care to even read your thread, let alone play your map... try to sell yourself better next time, take a look at some of the other threads around the forum. see how people put out extra effort both on the map AND on the thread, in order to show people how hard they worked on their map and to gain more attention. good luck on your next attempt =)
Well I shouldn't have said I got lazy. It is an mlg map as it is. The extra weapons are there because the map is compatable with regular team slayer
your best bet would have been to make two different maps, one with MLG weapon set and one with slayer, or maybe use gametype specific settings. As for the map it looks good, but a little bit more of a description in your post would be helpful. it is like an ad for your map, the more you tell us about it, the more we want to DL it.