About 90% done with the map and will begin alpha testing next week. If you like big team/invasion. I will be running tests on the 26-27th around 10:30pm EST. Will be clearing 8 spots of my friends list to fit in a few new players so respond on this thread. Pearl Harbor is a large scale invasion map with of course an air raid of 8 Banshees on the port. More details to come. MRX WHERE EAGLES DARE
Ironically, I've thought about this same idea... just too damn lazy to bother with forging right now. I like the scorpions as battleship turrets. I did the same thing on an infection map I made on Sandbox, called something like Air Raid, in Halo 3... using the magnetic properties of upside down tin cups to hold the scorpions and wraith in place. Got a few questions about this. Why so many falcons? I'd suggest maybe just 1-2 of them only... and inside a hangar of some sort. Perhaps only make them available in Phase 2 and 3 since the Japs pretty much were dominating with their air strike early on and took us by surprise. Where do the Banshees come from and are they still available for phase 2 and 3? Phase 1 objective is a landing zone? Is that just a capture and hold point? I guess I'm just failing to see how the whole thing plays out... but very curious.
Banshees spawn in the coliseum and have to fly (initially) all the way to the Harbor. It takes approx 30 seconds but only from the initial spawn. This gives defenders time to reach the rocket/scorpion turrets. 30 seconds or so in a teleporter will spawn and it will place Banshees in just outside the attack area. Phase 1 is attack the big antenea (assault). Phase 2 is to hold the LZ for 1 minute. Phase 3 steal the core. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh yeah forgot the Falcons theres alot but you cant see it in the picture theres fusion cores in and around them ( like theyre being fueled during the surprise attack.) I would be surprised if 1 or 2 survive the first wave.
I spy a lack of cover and a lot of flat, open spaces that will make the base impossible to defend should the defenders ever have to actually go on the defensive. Otherwise they will probably just go camp the enemy spawn with falcons. Hopefully you lined up the falcons so the banshees can easily shoot them like we did in the real pearl harbor.
I can see why you would think that but you will see once its complete. Loadouts and structures I still have to build will solve that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Pearl Harbor is complete testing Tonight 1030pm EST.