..:::Mongoose Racetrack "Super MarioCart" on Valhalla:::.. Download gametype found below. All 4 huge jumps cross the river with air lifts, i used everything in the map to make this track even portals. the finish line is flying in mid air and you have to make the biggest jump in the map to score. This map is made for huge party's with its wide roads, thats 8 mongeese (maybe 2 on some). The start line is by the bubble shield spawn. You spawn next to mongeese. lots of good feedback from my beta testers. So now your asking ok so you gata sweet map now were is the game type? well the gametype has you spawning at the mongoose's, includes no killing, its a VIP gametype so each person in the game needs to be on his own team, because every time you pass the finish line it gives the VIP a point and not the regular guy. also i would like to thank all of my beta testers Feedback: Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You! Map location: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=13511524
very nice looking and, after playing it, very nice gameplay, only suggestions might be more air lifts instead of the single one to get over the gun pods...if its a close race it would be hard to get some speed going and go over one lift..other than that, amazing...
For one this track was made like within the first month of the game being out so don't hate on it because you can cheat on it. Also , it would be IMPOSSIBLE to make it uncheatable. You guys are getting way too spoiled by the DLC maps. You need to start taking into account pre-DLC differences.
perfect name for this track. really does play like a mariokart track. this is a permanent in my library and my favorite track on valhalla. cool idea
Looks crazy... Well done its hard to make race tracks on Vanhala (sp?) especially when its a mario kart track..
hey thats a pretty cool map kinda like the first race map i ever made but alot neater and cooler _______ _________ Rofl Rofl Rofl ____|__|____ soi soi soi / / \___/| |___| ____| \____________/ ___/___\____ ROFLCOPTER
i am sure i have played this map because my friend showed me it and he said he just made it are you called sharpshooter. but you have got a good theme it is for those smaller haloers LOL
To be honest this looks way to close to the map i have made. It has exact same jumping points a couple little things moved around. And the drop pods are added. Otherwise everything is the same. Oh and i think i have played and showed this map to a sharpshooter before.