
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by chosenone94, Jan 19, 2011.


Based on what you see, what do you think

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  1. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    This is currently a MAP IN PROGRESS

    It is my first major map created on Forge 2.0 I have shown it to at least one dozen people and they have responded positively. I am looking for more feedback and more ideas for the map. Particularly in the empty areas next by the Grid Walls (the pyramids can go if need be) The floor of the map is set at 24.0 and the ceiling is set at 32.9 the bridge is 1.9 (im not sure what it is measured in) off the floor providing plenty of room to run and drive under. I want to make this some sort of slayer map but if you have any other ideas please let me know. Also their are no more building blocks or wall pieces that can be used. I had to max those out to create the base, walls and ceiling.

    GT: chosenone94 Friend me if you want to help.



    Ceiling of the map (had to use all building blocks for it.

    This is to show the size of the map in comparison to the standard vehicles.

    Im not very good at buildings, but this is just a small adjustment to see what you guys like. That is why only one side is done. the building is just three 3 story towers put together. Im not very creative when it comes to buildings.
    #1 chosenone94, Jan 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  2. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure what you are going for here but its way too open, and you used all the good pieces making the containing walls leaving with hardly any pieces to finish the map. I think you should start over and scale it down a lot so you can manage the part limit.
  3. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    i was thinking about what you said, would you think that moving the side walls (walls without grid) up to the first sections of the actual bridge. past the two 4X4's if you understand what i mean.
  4. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As long as you can eliminate the need for a significant amount of those coliseum walls you should be good. Also why did you add a ceiling? Its not necessary and uses all your valuable blocks up.
  5. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    i just think that ceilings look good from the inside, and it makes it just a tad darker. I'll experiment a little to try and free up blocks. Judging by your maps you look like someone good to work with, mainly because i have heard the best maps come from a team effort. If youre interested id love if you could join me in a forge session to show me your ideas.
  6. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    way too open with way too little structure
    this is what I would do, make it CTF, then create a few flag runs and places you would want to spawn (where you won't get spawn killed)
    then tweak it a bit, but then you should still have a open style map with covered routes across and safe spawns
    give a bit of cover outside the spawns too
    maybe make a coupke of bridge things across the map (perpendicular yo the current one)
    right now i say one star, add some cover and define the bases and it could be an easy 4
  7. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    just curious, would you agree with cody when it comes to eliminating the ceiling. I like the look of the ceiling but if it could make the map better i will do whats necessary.
  8. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't think the ceiling looks bad but if its using all your parts and is serving no gameplay purpose then save it for the end if you can afford it. I'd be glad to look at any maps and give advice on what to fix but I don't like building maps for people. I build in a different way than others so its hard for me to give that sort of advice. If you can manage to get most of the map done I'd be happy to give advice.
  9. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    does it have to even have complete walls, the no cieling would look better
  10. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    i will definitely experiment without the ceiling, im just not very good at putting buildings together or using building blocks to make something that looks good and also serves for good game play use.

    Edited by merge:

    what exactly do you mean by not needing to have completed walls. wouldnt people be able to get out?
    #10 chosenone94, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think those walls are high enough to leave the top open and still prevent jetpackers, but it will be fine even if they can get out as long as you place your safe/kill zones correctly. When building this, you're going to need to be very careful with fields of view on the map because the flatness could allow people to shoot entirely across the map unobstructed, and being sure there are enough height variations to keep gameplay interesting. You'll probably need to delete the grids for budget so don't get too attached to those.

    We can't really give too much (non-general) advice on this until you're farther along with the map.
  12. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    get out and go where? to their death in the water?
  13. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    well i was thinking about jet packs and the island is just to the left of that comparison shot so it is within reach with jetpack. trust me ive tried. I wanted to include jetpacks but i guess i dont have to. i just want the map to be good without the game play suffering.
  14. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    by incomplete walls, I mean partial walls, just short little walls so you don't accidently drive off or walk off (in high traffic areas)
    If you just use a soft safe zone, people can't get out.
    Make sure to put at least a railing around all the areas people might snipe from, one game on the Cage, I strafed off the map 3 times at sniper spawn where there is a gap between the walls and the cliff

    a safe zone (if you're confused) limits where people can be safely (only in the safe zone(s)), it is an inverse kill zone
    if you do ditch the walls, make it a separate save, because it will totally change the feel of the map

    Edited by merge:

    you could also make the map longer and/or narrower
    #14 seredhras, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  15. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    thank you for commenting. I have been thinking about the idea of making it a CTF and my friends have said invasion but im not sure. (I really dont know how to make an invasion map anyway) but i like the CTF but my only problem is i dont know many people who would play CTF, they are addicted to infection. While fun, it gets old. I know if i made it good enough people would download, but i want a map i can play and want to play. i dont really have anyone on my friends list who can forge with me which bugs the crap out of me. Thats what i really want to do, i have ideas for maps but i dont have the skills in forge to make them a reality which is why i like collaborating with others.
  16. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    not invasion, I don't see it unless invasion slayer (which I see)
    if u want, fr seredhras and if I'm on I might join
    im not that great tho, but w/ever

    edit: i'm also not rly inyo infection, esp. mm, buy there r a lot of rly good mini games based off infection
    #16 seredhras, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2011
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    If you set up the safe zone correctly it won't be a problem. Go under spawning>soft safe zone>set it to cover the entire map. This will give anyone who leaves through the roof ten seconds to get back in or else die. Also create four soft kill zones to cover the areas outside the map on the 45 degree corners.
  18. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    ok i edited it to a small degree, ceiling now gone with perpendicular bridge added. Also small building.

    ok i edited it to a small degree, ceiling now gone with perpendicular bridge added. Also small building

    i edited it to a small degree, ceiling now gone with perpendicular bridge added. Also small building.

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