It all started on friday........ I was hoping to get in the euro party before gravedigger was ready, I was able to and had a lot of fun there. That's where the fun stopped. So it's time for me to go play with my party but wait, gravedigger was having trouble getting his party together. A half hour later I get an invite from him. I was so happy that he finally was ready but, when I tried to join my request just kept on timing out. So I didn't get to play in his party, don't worry i can just go back to the euro party, wait their full, OK I'll just play a custom game with some of my friends, wait my dad just came home and doesn't want me "on the box" right now. Skip forward to Saturday morning. I turned on my computer hoping to go on forge hub, but no, apparently someone accidentally cut fiber cable and so i don't have internet............. NO INTERNET!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! this continued until Wednesday afternoon, 5 days without internet.......... 5 DAYS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Well i am back online now, after a really bad weekend + (Mon, Tues, and Wed). But this story has a silver lining, guess who's really good at n+ now. also, if you think this belongs in off topic, feel free to move it.
Go outside? Lol, there are a lot of other things to do besides technology. For example, tomorrow I might go to 'the tunnels' with some friends.
No internet=fooling around on Ubuntu. For me. Now, no computers, and then we might have a little problem.