There's Fungus on My Sombrero! Explore Forgeworld in a way never done before! Go from corner to corner on foot! Explore the vast riches of Halo's forgeworld from its underwater caves to its snowy mountaintops! Delve deep into cryptic mayan secrets and swim with the dead bodies! Self-guided tours available. My Sombrero is not responsible for your death and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. WARNING: Perilous jumps involved! Ability to swim is an absolute necessity. Now get out there and make your father proud! *End Transmission* Fungus! Lava Tube! Bacon: Checkpoint 1: Smash with face to activate Island o'terror! Cryptic Secrets! Petrified Apple Gallery! Intelligent Triangles: Magic your way up it! Don't forget Sunscreen! It's like climbing the Executive Ladder: Underview! For best results, follow this path: We offer special prizes for those who dare to complete our endeavors! That's right, complete a run of the map and send me the completed video and win: Being friends with Jesus! That's right kids, you CAN be friends with Jesus. All things srs, this jump map is very fun and relatively mind-numbing. My record of completion was just over an hour, with some messing around. There are seven checkpoints, the first six being teleporters, and the last being a respawn point on the island. The checkpoint system works so when a fusion coil is destroyed, simply walk forward from the spawn to gain access to the latest section unlocked! Also, FEEDBACK PL0X
Me and some friends already completed your map Jesus, you can check my friend's fileshare and watch the video, it was hell of a challenge, but it was fun. Fileshare: Click here
Awesome, I'm going to watch it right now and if you guys did it then give me your GT's so I can add you as promised