Beaches of Normandy

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Kangetsu, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Fall in maggots!

    Todays your lucky day! HQ has called us to the front lines to serve your beloved Country! We have orders to take Normandy's shores against all odds! So pipe down during this briefing! I want this burned into your pea brains, so pay attention!

    This is our target. A fortified bunker embedded into the side of this cliff. It stands between us and victory! And I'll be an monkeys uncle if I'm going to let it win!

    Our objective is simple. To take out this bunker and destroy its artillery to insure the safe voyage of our fueling ships to provide gasoline to troop vehicles!

    Here's the plan!

    We're going to take a nice ride up to shore in these here Landing Crafts also known as a LCA. Once ashore the ramp will be lowered. Make haste soldiers as you will be fired upon exiting the LCA by three Enemy .50cals!
    So leave the sunscreen at home, this isn't going to be just a nice trip to the beach!

    Take cover among the debris littered along the shore line; where we will then work our way through enemy fire and onto the beach at the foot of the cliffs! Be careful however soldiers!

    As Enemy Mortar Fire bombards the shore line to hinder us. But we wont let that stop us! Just keep one eye on the sky and another down your sights!

    If your one of the lucky ones that made it this far. Will be able to reload and exchange weapons and apply first aid to your owies! But this isn't nap time! Now up those cliffs Soldiers!

    Work your way up those cliffs and be careful not to slip! It's a long ways down and I dont want to pick up the pieces! Once towards the top, we will then take out the .50cals if not already. Work your way towards the top and over where we will then engage the enemy at their doorstep! Once all is clear we will work our way to the Artillery and finishing this mission!

    So Prep up and kiss your mommies goodbye!
    See you on the battlefield soldiers!

    Equipment: ALLIES/ENEMY

    {Tier 1}
    X4 Frags

    (Tier 2}
    X4 Frags

    Weapons On Map:

    RocketLauncher- Located at the base of the cliffs on the left side under the glass cover.
    There is also one on the Enemy's side in the sniper's nest.

    Shotgun- Located at the base of the cliffs up the middle under a glass cover.
    There is also one on the Enemy's side in the middle bunker on the back opened side.

    Grenade Launcher- Located at the base of the cliff on the right side under a glass cover.

    Sniper Rifle- Located on the right most bunker from Enemies point of view.

    DMR/AR ammunition- These are distributed under the glass covers on the beach and in the buildings of the enemies side.

    Health Packs- Located under the glass coverings for the Allies, and within each bunker and back most middle building for the Enemy.


    Due to the LCA's being so close to the boundary line. Going behind them, at least as far as the left most one from Allies point of view, will result in a warning timer. On another note there are little points along the drop off's where the Allies start to prevent unfortunate suicides.

    There is also a Kill Boundary located around the Enemy's back base along the wall on the outside. Any attempted to leap out of the map will result in suicide attempt.

    There are soft kill in the following area:

    1) from where the Allies stand there is a rock mount to the left that one could hide in to camp that I prevented. There is also one on the right that goes up onto the back side of the cliffs out of the map.

    2) From the Enemies view on the left of the bunkers is a hill side with soft kill zones to prevent out of map situations.

    Game Experience:

    The D-Day Custom gameplay is recommended for the most out of this Map. Any other variations must be inputed into the map manually.

    Other input:

    This is my first map posted on ForgeHub. I saw one awhile back like this posted and figured id give it a shot on the same subject in a different style. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this. Any and all Feedback is welcomed. Id like to spruce up this map as much as possible so if you have any suggestions. Please feel free to give me your input.
    #1 Kangetsu, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2010
  2. Exsavior296

    Exsavior296 Forerunner

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    I like the dialog LOL. Looks good, is colorblind on the entire time? Also, is this an invasion map?
  3. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Color blind is always on if you would like to delete it its behind the bunkers boundary on the back side. As for an invasion map, I didnt set it up for that. Its just a standard Team Slayer/Team Swat sorta map. But if you would like to convert it into a invasion map, be my guest.
  4. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    damn ur good at making dialogue. actually made me read the desc.
  5. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Lol I didnt want to make the describe just a meaningless thing to read so far as telling about the different points. Figured id spice it up in a way to grab the reader. Anyways hoping to make a series of these WWII maps. If anyones got any suggestions on future maps for me or the current one please give me your 2cents.
  6. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks quite well made aesthetically, but i'm not so sure about gameplay...have you tested it yet? This map looks like it's work well with an inavsion gametype, maybe have the allies plant a bomb in the bunkers once they reach it. It would add an extra challenge to keep bringing the bomb formward when a teammate dies with it. To be honest i'm quite surprised nobody has made a WWII invasion map yet (that i know of).

    I think the fusion coil launcher could do with a rework, maybe stack them all up and have them all launch at once when a portable shield is destroyed from underneath them? It would look a lot better. Also, if you have any leftover budget, make it look a bit more like a warzone, have camping stools and cones flying everywhere like debris and put a few things sticking out the ground like antennas etc.

    Good effort though, especially for a first map, and welcome to forgehub!
  7. Kangetsu

    Kangetsu Forerunner

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    Thanks D4ni3l for your feedback. Well I stated above that it did needs some sprucing up. I was thinking of remaking it possibly. Instead of making it a small area at the end of the canyon. I figured why not build it up Montana's cliff side and slop it out a bit. Put the bunkers up at the top and have it weave towards the back between the two ridges in the back with an objective (artillery fire) Which I feel would be a bit better and broader style of play. How ever I do not know how to make a Invasion map with the phases and such. I probly could use a good team of forgers for the section of expertise. Thanks again. I will most likely scrap my old one now that I know what I need to do and repost it here if thats legal to do.

    Also on another note. Im currently working on another Aesthetic Map Featuring a AT AT Walker. Should be done soon, with a remake of Normandy.
  8. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you write a book I'll buy it.
  9. A Cat

    A Cat Forerunner

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    Bungie has a guide to making an invasion map on its website, and everything you need to make the objectives is free in forge. Your map would be perfect for invasion.
  10. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    What exactly keeps the team in the base from spawn killing the attackers. I mean, sure that's how it actually went but I don't see anything stopping the defenders from even going down there and spawn killing the attackers. Aestheticly it doesn't look similar really to D day or normandy in general other than the beach. I mean, why is there a satellite dish? Not trying to be mean but there are some things that need to be adjusted/edited and changed.
  11. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    battle of stalingrad
    german invasion of crete
  12. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    definitely looks good, if i knew how to make an invasion map for it i would but those game types are very complicated, im getting better at it but its still iffy. definitely a download.
  13. EvilFitzal

    EvilFitzal Forerunner

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    I was looking at the thread for the "9/11 Tribute" map, which is just the twin towers with a few other buildings. Everyone was posting about how you just shouldn't do something like that. I'm amused that no one opines that recreating the slaughter of thousands of people by nazis is wrong. D-Day wasn't all fun and games. Halo is.
    There are several maps on here, garnering no ill will, which are focused on recreating the events of the attack on Pearl Harbor. An unprovoked attack on our soil killing thousands of Americans? That sounds familiar. The "9/11 Tribute" map wasn't even recreating the events; it was just intact scenery.
    I'm sorry to sully this thread, as my post belongs in the "9/11 Tribute" thread, but that one was closed.
    Sensitivities are weird.
  14. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    what you should have done in the landing bays bit is to a) put a grid there so you cant see them, and b) maybe use revenants or ghosts as landing craft, as the way they surf across the water is neat!

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