What do you guys like better the Nintendo Wii or the xbox 360. Both have its ups and downs. My opinion is that wii sucks exept for the Legen of Zelda Twilight Princess and SSBB. 360 owns along with all its games. Post your opinion and and reasons why
I can honestly say i'd choose the 360. I have played both (my cousin owns one), and the 360 is waaay better. I mean, if you wanna have some fun, like once a month, the Wii will do the job well for you, but if you actually are more in to playing video games, the Xbox 360 is waay better. Just imagine playing Halo in the Wii... Wouldnt be nearly as good. And plus, Wii quality is so much worse than 360! I mean, even Mario Party 64 is better than the version for the Wii. And online playability and such is sooo much bettter in the Microsoft console. I dont hate Nintendo, dont get me wrong. I loved the GBA, and the 64s, but you gotta get past that someday and make better quality stuff, huh nintendo? I guess you could go both ways, but I'm sticking with my 360.
PS3 OMGZZZZ I have both, but frankly, recently... Nintendo was my first system. My N64, SM64 and LoZ:OoT were inseparable. But recently my Wii collects dust as I pass over SSBB at gamestop to get GTAIV. Sorry Nintendo, but I think I'm leaving you. Until the next starfox game comes out. I'll be all over that game like something on something.
Wii has some really awesome first party support, and some really awesome third-party support. Unfortunatly, most of its games fall into either "kick-ass" or "meh". SSMB, LoZ, Resident Evil, Metroid Prime, were t3h amezeomerzzoz. Most everything else... meh.
I choose the 360, more good games, shooting games are easier, wii is a little weird in my opinion, and 360 is easier to play unless ur crippled
I have nothing against the wii it is just that the game designers mostly focus on how they are goin to convert movement into game and wii what r they gonna do with that and this.Thats only the main thing they focus on.They have to get the game in stocks on a certain date.That takes most of the time.They dont have the time to add good graphics.Take wii sports.The graphics suck gameplay awesome.The really awesome games like LoZ and SSBB they put the effort in because the date is extended cuz its actually a good game and everybody loves it.That means that the people at the company gives the makers time to add the stuff they need.
I have both, and I tend to play my Wii more, but then I only have 3 games for my 360. Halo 3, Madden 06 and Burnout Paradise (ordered on the way). But I have Zelda TP, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, SSBB, Raving Rabbids, and a bunch of gamecube games. But I have kids, so the Wii is more family friendly. I say just get both of them
Are you kidding me? The Wii is one of the most innovative gaming devices around nowadays. I'm assuming you haven't played either Super Mario Galaxy, or Mario Kart Wii, or looked at the virtual console, or the Wii Channels, or the Wii's odd method of setting up friends lists, or, well...ANYTHING about the Wii except for two games. And they definitely put effort into more than just 'converting movement into gameplay'. You're focusing on just a few games on the system. As fort he 360 "Owning" along with all its games, please tell me you aren't serious. The 360 is like anything else, there's no shortage of horrendous games amongst the good ones. As for the Wii not having better graphics than the 360...I'm sure loads of people still play games on the Nintendo 64 because the graphics are just so incredible and the games look so badass (By the way, there are STILL quite a few games on that system which look absolutely beautiful). I personally own both a Wii and a 360, and I very much enjoy the both of them.
I have to say Wii right now because I FINALLY found one that wasn't jacked up in price. I got it for the MSRP of $250. Anyways, I love the Wii and the games I bought for it, but my love will always be for Halo. The Wii wins the battle, but the 360 wins the war. --dc
360 It has my favorite game halo3 ,andwith xboxlive you can download stuff like new character,videos,and other stuff,so 360 leaves wii and all its mario games in the dust.
The wii is an awesome and innovative piece of technology, but due to the severe lack of new Metroid games to date, I'm currently in favor of the 360. I play Smash Bros., but only so I can play as Samus. Yet, the wii is going to be a pioneer in the future of video games: a completely interactive console that puts the player inside the game and brings the game into the real world.
You all have to realize that the Xbox360 is more prone to breaking, hacking, and all the such. I've never seen a hacked Wii. And the Wii is more family friendly, the games are easy to play, it has a message board that is easy to use, and the all-mighty Internet Channel. You get extreme lag in all the games for Xbox, 3 year-old kids saying, "like omg i so pwned that noobletzorz." @HaloLover4549 You can also do that stuff on the wii.
the 360 is better but the wii has a few good games u can play between times u r not playing halo or GTA4
360 hands down. The Wii is neat and innovative that's for sure, but when it comes to graphics, the 360 beats it hands down. I will only buy games for the 360 that the developers put time and energy into to make the games look visually amazing.
omg i finally got wii60 like an xbox 360 and wii i thoought it meant a wii and nitendo 64 lol idn but thats ven cooler name now bcuz it goes with the flow of 3 nd wii
The Xbox 360 is a really good system and has lots of good games. I don't have a Wii but I want one. Though good Wii games are fewer than 360s. I only want Brawl and Mario Kart =P
Tough choice. I have both, and I love my Wii. I'm not as hot on the 360, since so many of the games on it are also readily available on the PC, and so many games are overrated, brainless shooters. However, it does have a lot more games than the Wii that aren't pure shovelware. I'm not really sure what to tell you. If you lack a capable PC, and you value shooters and online play above all else, get the 360. If you have a capable PC and online doesn't make much of a difference, then the Wii has enough great titles to keep you interested.