This is a FFA, 2v2, 4v4 map inspired by hang 'em high, sanctuary, and the pit Picture of Red Base along with rockets View of blue and check out the fountain alternate route if you don't want to use the lift
It looks like you re-posted in the competitive section, with more pictures. I still can't tell anything about the layout. I recommend that you take some over view screenshots outside of forge (this can be done by pressing Y twice in theater and going to the mode where you can go anywhere.
Thanks this map should belong in this section after looking at everything...i will put some more pics...thanks for your input...this is my first forge so any is appreciated and helps a ton
This map seems interesting from what I can see, but what about what we can't see? The first thing people (or maybe just me) look for is an overview picture. As you made your map in the Colosseum, this can be a problem. When you make a map next time, try somewhere that is low and open enough you can get an overview picture, but not somewhere that is extremely used (ex. quarry)