GTAIV - I finally got my 200th pigeon a couple hours ago. Kinda dissapointed that there wasn't anything other than it saying "You cleaned the city of all pigeons" or something along those lines. Though you do apparently unlock an Annihilator Police Helicopter. Though I don't know where to find it. Anyway, I was just wondering out of all the people registered to FH, who own GTAIV, how many of you have all 200 Pigeons? =]
When I saw this, it confused the hell outta me. But when I was towards the bottom I was like, ooooh. By the time I get GTA IV, I bet no one else will be playing it. I'm gonna get it at the end of the month for my birthday.
There are pigeons in GTA? no, seriously, i barely played the game yet. im 5% in missions. Woot Woot! So, yeah, i have no pigeons, wherever those are, and however you get 'em
The Pigeons are all over Liberty City. They are GTA4's equivalent to Hidden Packages in previous GTA games. And you want me to tell you where 200 pigeons are?... That would be some mighty list. You can google maps that show you were they are. I just got a print out of the one on and found them that way. Some are really freakin' hard to find too...
So basically it is a basic skull with no powers. Hadn't even heard of this sounds really cool. -Donuts
i have but i too was disappointed. still can't find that helicopter . oh and i think what soggy is trying to say is that the pigeons are like halo 3s skulls that are scattered across each campaign mission.
I finally found the damn helicopter... Well I think I did. But I also think I didn't because it is just a regular Army Annihilator. No missles... It's on the building with the big pink lights that turn on at night. In the NY area if I remember correctly. The MeTV building I think it is.
Yeahh, that makes me think I haven't found the real one. I'll keep looking but my hopes aren't high. At least that's a big part of the game out of the way towards the 100% completion. =]