Nightlife - Testers Needed

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I can say with about 95% confidence that this map has at least one feature that you have not yet seen incorporated into a map.

    Peak your interest? No? Well, I'm not about to write those ideas down either, so you probably shouldn't get your hopes up. However, if you want to see them, I am hosting a testing lobby. The official date isn't until this weekend. Since I'm getting back to school tomorrow, I'll be studying for midterms. Lucky me.

    Anyway, back to the map.
    Description: This is a linear journey map. In itself, that's not too astonishing. As expected with this style of map, both groups take multiple hits to kill. Both are also given sprint.
    "But if they have sprint, won't humans just bull rush it to the end?"
    Oh no silly voice in my head, that's why I've implemented the use of a safe haven and a door that has a delayed opening. Other things that would be worth mentioning are: 6 teleporters in the zombie spawn hub and 13 entrances into the map, and - Well actually, that's about all I can say without ruining any surprises.

    Survivors start in a basement, and the original goal is simply to head down to Ortega's (anyone catch a certain Broadway reference?) to restock on food. However, to their dismay, they find that it is boarded up. But down the street appears to be a military outpost. Writing clumsily scratched into the wall reads of a military evac, nearly at that exact time, at Chez Shea.

    Trouble is, how are they supposed to get there from here?

    Anyway, since this is in fact a map preview, I'll let you get to the pictures.

    Ortega's is boarded up on the right, the military post farther down the street. The tunnels are closed, almost as if they tried to close off the city from the infection. Looks like that didn't work too well.
    I suppose this picture does show one feature that may be new to some of you: Using ramps as streets, since the blue lines can easily represent those of a street. I made this when Reach first came out, and didn't touch it after safe havens ruined the original intent. It was new then, maybe not so much now.
    Chez Shea, the aforementioned evac point. You can try to hold up inside until the Falcon arrives.

    So, if you have any comments, constructive criticism, want to be a tester, or understood the Broadway reference, leave a comment below. If it pertains to Broadway, you can mention the name below and I'll give you a nice little smiley in my response.

    Good day.

    EDIT: Due to weather conditions my schedule has been slightly altered, therefore testing will need to be pushed back to a later date. I don't think that I'll be able to get it done this weekend, but if I can I'll send invites out to everyone on my list who's online at the time. If it needs to be pushed back it will be set for next weekend. In both cases, it will likely be Saturday at 7 PM EST. I'll have a definitive answer by Friday. Thanks for your patience.

    #1 Plasma Blades, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I want to see the never-before-seen feature...

    Looks good from what I can tell for a linear infection map, would like to see more though but I understand its a preview.
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I'd like to get an overview but the map takes up all of the Colosseum, plus a little overhang outside.
    Should I put you down as a possible tester?
    The features only take up small portions of the map. I can think of three off the top of my head, two aesthetic, two affect gameplay (one does both).
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    When will you be testing? Im going to have a lot of free time so add me: DoWw
  5. chosenone94

    chosenone94 Forerunner

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    Sounds awesome man, id love to help test if youre interested. GT is chosenone94 just message me.
  6. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dow: I recently edited the thread (after you posted) about the testing times. Basically, depending on the weather, I'll know whether it will be this weekend or next. I'll know by tomorrow morning. Either way, it will be on a Saturday at 7 PM EST, likely followed by some other games as a kind of Custom Games Night kind of thing. If I get a bunch of people together, I figure we could all play some mini-games and infection after the testing. You don't need to stay for that, but I figured I'd mention it.

    chosenone94: Sounds good, I'll mention that you commented in this thread in the message so you know who's sending the FR. Thanks for offering to help!

    I've done some small scale tests of this, however I'm not sure how representative of the larger scale playtests they will turn out to be. I'm thinking that with more people there will be more chaos than there is with the smaller tests.

    Any questions so far?

    EDIT: I probably won't be testing this weekend, but I will have a test session tonight, designed exactly like mentioned above. I've hosted Custom Games Nights many times before and don't give the party leader to other people simply because they never have good, fair, balanced maps. 7 PM EST for anyone who is interested.
    #6 Plasma Blades, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  7. Crushric

    Crushric Ancient
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    Eh, **** it, sign Crushric up. All my friends apeared to have died so I should have the run of the weekend to do whatever. So when you get the chance Send me a request for the lobby. I'm always in the mood for some well done infection or innovative feature. My GT is, of course, Crushric.

    Looking forward to having something fun to do.
    #7 Crushric, Jan 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I'll add you next time I'm on. Testing should remain at the same date and time: This upcoming Saturday (01/29/11) at 7 PM EST. Like I mentioned before , I send an invite to anyone who's online on my friends list.

    So we had a brief testing session on Friday, last minute, but got a bunch of people anyway. I know that Dow was there - any feedback based on that?
    And as a side note, I've changed the zombie spawn, added a zombie custom power-up (gives the infected shields but no added damage), and made the rooftop event more obvious.
    Any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. B rockin the R

    B rockin the R Ancient
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    nice looking map. the first picture reminds me of like a downtown area around a club/bar around night time.....wait, the map name is "nightlife"

    oh well then the aesthetics are spot on! lol good job
  10. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Thanks, I tried to make it look as nice as possible. There's two side alleys on the street, and the humans spawn in a basement, and then they exit into a backyard area.

    Any more testers?
  11. bloody fetus

    bloody fetus Forerunner

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    map looks great and im down to help test any map any time just ring.
  12. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am LOVING the aesthetics, construction, and colors man.
    I would not mind testing it. When were you planning on doing it?
  13. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the offers! Testing will be this upcoming Saturday at 7 PM EST. I'll test the map a few times during a "Custom Games Night" that I'll be hosting simultaneously. The other games are typically infection/mini-games, nothing too serious. A problem that comes up every time with my CGN, is people asking for party leader. I don't do this simply because literally every single time I do, they have 1 or 2 terrible maps and that's it.
    As far as Nightlife goes, just be warned that it takes multiple hits to kill the humans. It adds in a realism/stress factor into gameplay.
  14. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sign me up! Sounds pretty awesome and to be honest I havnt been impressed with the majority of Reach infection maps, so im looking forward to this. Ill send you an FR when I get a chance.
  15. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I think the map might look better with an FX like New Gen or Purple on. However that is just my opinion. Besides that the map looks really nice and holds much promise I think. :)
  16. walkerneo

    walkerneo Ancient
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    Add "walkerneo"

    I look forward to testing if I can. I ordered Reach and was supposed to get it two days ago, so I should definitely have it by tomorrow. Before I ordered the game I had rented it and I also made a linear zombie escape map, so I'm interested in learning from someone with a bit more experience.
  17. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Apologies for not hosting the testing session on Saturday as planned. Something came up and I was unavailable for the majority of this weekend. Instead, I'm thinking that I'll send all of you friend requests on XBL, host testing sessions periodically throughout the week, and invite anyone whenever they're on.

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