Hey guys this is my most recent race track, Called Chillweb State its an awsome smooth skytrack which is great fun for competive races with friends PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT "haloisreligion" it has loads of racetrack and other videos on it please atleast check it out! YouTube - Chillweb State
Nice and smooth and altogether fun race map. Worth my download even if I cant get a game on this. Note: The random buildings around the map look a little out of place, but dosent change the fun factor. 8.5/10 from me.
Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: starting to make another rollar coaster my last one "fusion state" was really enjoable to make so watch out for my next map!!!!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I might bring out a v2 of this but i would like to hear comments first =]