Looking for forging partner/teacher??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by o II SHoCK II o, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. o II SHoCK II o

    o II SHoCK II o Forerunner

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    Hi, I'm trying to build a really sweet map. I've gotten one base almost fully completed. I still have the whole other base to do, and I have to add cover, do the spawns, weapons, etc... This is my first map and I'd really like it if I could get a "partner" to help me finish the map and put in some input. thanks!

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  2. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I probably won't be able to forge with you but I could edit the map a little and see if you can get any help from that.
  3. o II SHoCK II o

    o II SHoCK II o Forerunner

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    #3 o II SHoCK II o, Jan 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  4. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I havn't had much time to play around with this, but I can tell you what I saw that could be changed when I was looking around. I will make my own version of it with these suggestions to show you how it looks.

    -The Colliseum windows ruined the look of the map. I understand that you needed to set the playing area but Collisuem windows aren't the best for that. Try using Colliseum walls instead.
    -The shape f the playing area was just a square. Try using varied angles to make the map a little more interesting.
    -There was only one base. I realize it isn't finished, and I'm not sure if you were going to add another base or not, but if you weren't another one needs to be added. I suggest making it symmetrical to the other base, but instead of rocks use walls in the back.
    -There were no vehicles. Again, I realize it isn't finished, and I'm not sure if you were going to add any or not, but this seems like a map that would benefit from some vehicles. Not too many, maybe a Mongoose or 2 plus a Warthg for each side.

    That was all that I could see. I'll work on it a little and post teh finished product here.
  5. o II SHoCK II o

    o II SHoCK II o Forerunner

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    sweet, can wait to see your take on it. and yea, i was gunna add another base, but hadnt got to it yet. also, wasnt planning on any vehicles
  6. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    hey just trolling looking at map previews....

    had a quick suggestion for you about the colli-windows problem. instead of using colli-walls like MO said, try just using soft kill zones to make the boundaries. you can place small markers like columns to help people realize they cannot cross that poll (like a fence) but by doing this you can keep the map "OPEN" and not have big bulky colli-wall through out the map!

    as for the colli-windows on the cliffside acting like a floor...i would most def use the colli-walls so you cant see though the floor.

    good luck dude, and welcome to ForgeHub!

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