Download Solar: : Halo Reach : File Details Twin I I call the map Solar. A very simplistic design and it's still in its initial development but I love the layout. Let me know what you think. Sapphire, Empire, Armada, Solar, Suspension hold on image problems
Looks amazing. Kinda refreshing visuals to be honest. But its on the Noble Map pack so I think there won't be as much downloads?
Hey I tried to download your map but when I clicked the link it took me to a page that said: "no file found" (I used both links). For me to download the map I had to re-search your GT and go to your file share. If you want anymore downloads I would fix the link because this map is pretty amazing looking even though it's very simple.
Wow. This is very pretty. What kind of gameplay do you anticipate with jetpacks and such? Or is this a land-locked map only? And can you provide a weapons list?
Amazing map, despite its simplicity. If only the Forgetacular contest was still taking entries. Tempest AND simple design? I don't think Bungie could have argued with that.
hey thanks for the feedback guys very helpful. i may add a bottom to each base. weapons as of now are just DMR's, and Rocks in the middle so people can't camp all game. thanks
probably because style is fun to steal the glass from which the map was probably the matter is faziet the map is good very good if you were still up in German I would have my team RFL
Looks amazing, the aesthetics definitely do this map justice. And I'm quite thrilled that this is the first Tempest map I've seen that DOESN'T incorporate the laser in it somehow. But great work on this
It's a little tough to get to the rockets, even with sprint. Also, you need to make this playable with FFA slayer. I kept spawning outside the map. Also, adding in a "Safe Zone" to keep players inside will go a long way. The map looks and plays great. I would still try to add more weapons and maybe some more cover choices, but keep it simple. I like the clean feel of the map, I only wish there were some more interesting choices of routes and sight lines. Rockets and DMR are fine, but I want to see the other human power weapon choices, like sniper and shotgun, if you will. All in all, more people need to see this map!
Another cool map here. You have created a nice little base, simple in design but effective. It does feel kind of open outside of the glass rooms. On tempest again giving first class frame rate, nice work friend