I'm trying to make a playable Halo Wars map, and the air vehicle door on top of the base looks ugly when just openned all the time, but is unplayable when closed all the time. I tried to use 4x4 Blocks ans fusion coils o fix it but that didn't work, anyone know a solution?
Depends. It's easily solveable if you're making an invasion type gameplay, because you could just set the doors to despawn after a certain phase. If not....Well, I suppose you could turn "Place at start" to 'false' and make the spawn time really high. That's all I can think of
If you're willing to make the roof out of crates, you may be in luck. You can make fusion coils hold the crates in place, then make a wire of coils lead up to the crates. Place a trip mine at one end to serve as a button, and when you hit the button, BAM the roof is open. If you want the crates to go up, you can try using grav lifts to keep the crates from falling, and they will fly out of the base when the coils are exploded. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to make, but hopefully this will be applicable.
I might have to use crates. I orign=inally planned on doing this: _________ ________ l---------l0l---------l l---------l0l---------l l________l0l________l ----------^ Fusion Coils That didn't work as the blocks won't move, not even when set to normal physics.