ok, I am working on one of my maps on "the pit" and I'm having a little trouble. so here is the deal. I have tooken the back part of tthe level with thos sword in it and have decided to "block" any entrance in. but i want to make some type of 'secret path" to get in. you know like a obecjt that is hard to move but is still able to to be knocked or pushed out of the way. how should i do it? Ps. any tips on interlocking, and weapon suggestions for the map. ( this is my second map being made, and i have trouble on interlocking and the right "balance" of weapons.)
Here's an idea: only make the sword area acessible by teleporter. Lay the sender node on its side and place a crate in between it, which would block the use of it until it's moved. Then you could add a grav lift that has a high respawn rate (maybe even make it not start at the beginning of the round) and use it to throw off the crate to gain access to the teleporter and the room itself. There's an old Featured map that Shock Theta made called Control Room King, I believe. It has a really cool dynamic for accessing this same area. It may give you other ideas.
well, pallets are also noticable, and you know that they brake. I'm trying to making it un-noticable.
Place a reciever node floating sideways in the doorway, with a crate in front of it facing outwards of the doorway. Place reciever nodes to the sides of the crate(s) to prevent knocking them to the side. You would need to nade through the ceiling slots to knock the crates out of the way. Edit: WOOHOO UNSC Grad!
place a barrier blocking the way you want to go. It will be like those journey maps where you have to break them apart then knock them down to get through. It takes time to do but isn't that what you wanted?
heres an idea, put an open box ther and block of 1 side, then put a mongoose or machine gunturret inside it next to the blocked of end, now if some1 goes close enought it will ask them if they want to drive mongoose or go on turret if they do they will magicly go throught the wall, simple as.
place a teleporter into the sword. Cover the RECIEVER with a crate Place a grav lift on a wepaon holder to blow the crate free of the teleporter and set it to not respawn at start place another grav lift hidden on the map. set the second gav lift to not repsawn and set the minimum grav lift to 1. in game when you shoot the hidden grav lift the teleporter will be unblocked
Thanks for the tips guys. alot of them really helped me. and i have already put some to good use. Thanks. ^^