Marauder: Lockout-styled asymmetrical map ~Marauder~ -My first asymmetrical map- "This hidden bio lab ran tests even on the people who tried to expose the research performed here. 2-8 players." ~Map Pack 1~ -Champion (download) -Marauder (download) -Defender (WIP) -Stargazer (WIP) Special shout outs to Rylon720, The Reaping245, WAR ELITE12, WhiteDarknes212, Lil Punisher97, blob856, ebank36, BLM BloodLust, Zephrike, Jester O7, and Geoffyz. Thanks you guys! <3 ~New Screenshots Added!~ Scroll down to ~Other Images~ ~Weapon List~ weapon/spawn timer/amount on map/# of extra clips -Gravity Hammer/180s/1 -Sniper Rifle/180s/1/2 extra clips -Needler/120s/1/3 extra clips -Needle Rifles/30s/4/2 extra clips -DMRs/30s/4/2 extra clips -Magnums/30s/4/2 extra clips -Plasma Pistols/90s/2 -Plasma Repeater/90s/1 -Spiker/90s/1/2 extra clips -Plasma Rifle/90s/1 ~Other~ -Fusion Coils/120s/4 -Health Packs/30s/5 ~Description~ Marauder is my first asymmetrical map, and according to one of my friends, is the best of all my maps (he says that it is even better than The Cage, but I think he hates that map anyway, so I don't know). Marauder is supposed to have a Blackout/Lockout feel to it, so if you like those maps be sure to give this one a try. Blue Base and Red base are approximately equidistant to both the Gravity Hammer and Sniper Rifle. The Needler is, however, closer to Blue Base because it spawns in Purple Tower. To balance this, I added two extra Plasma Grenades to Bottom Mid, but closer to Red Base. Yellow Tower is the most domineering point on the map, which would be why I have placed a two-way teleporter in mid yellow to top yellow. Mid Yellow is accessible to both bases in different ways fairly easily. Map flow on this map flows around Top Yellow, because it is the highest point on the map, similar to how The Cage flows around controlling the Grenade Launcher spawn and how Sword Base flows around the lift (more so like The Cage than how Sword Base plays). This is partly why the Gravity Hammer is a very powerful weapon on this map, because the team that controls it can defend Top Yellow easier. Their are no health packs placed at Top Yellow, so if you want to recharge your health, you have to go all the way down to bottom yellow or to Sniper Rifle spawn. Other health packs are located at Blue Base's two story tower ramp, Red Team spawn, and Purple Base. The Plasma Rifle spawns in Mid Yellow, near the teleporter to Top Yellow, also making it easier to push on Top Yellow. Two Fusion Coils spawn at Top Yellow as well, so don't be afraid to waste grenades! The Gravity Lift by Red Base will launch a player to Top Mid, right next to two Fusion Coils. Top Mid is a very vulnerable location when the enemy has control of Top Yellow, so I wouldn't recommend going there under those circumstances. If you are reading this, I guess that means you've read the entire paragraph, which surprises me. Two grenades also spawn by the Fusion Coils at Top Mid along with a Magnum. Magnums are placed all around the map for ammo purposes and to influence players to swap out weapons that have no ammo, so that they can respawn again. Thanks for reading! ~Screenshots with Callouts~ Top Yellow Top Mid (where the Gravity Lifts introduces you to two Fusion Coils) Ramp from Top Yellow to Red Base; one of two entrances to Top Yellow. Bottom Yellow, where the Gravity Hammer spawns; bridge leads to Bottom Mid. Bottom Mid, viewed from Red. Bottom Mid viewed from Purple/Blue. Ramp from Mid Yellow to Blue Base or Bottom Mid; depends on your decision. Red's Plasma Pistol spawn/bridge to Mid Yellow. Blue Base. Spiker spawn. Top of Red Base. Gravity Lift. Sniper Rifle spawn. ~Other Images~ ~Download Marauder!~ ~Feedback is greatly appreciated! This is my first asymmetrical map!~
looks nice gonna give it a dl [br][/br]Edited by merge: gave it a quick run through and it reminds me of blackout from halo 3. good design and gameplay, i might try infection on it. NibsEdit: No advertising.
yeah this looks way more interesting than cage, cage and the other two maps that just came out suck. maps like this one are the ones that should be in matchmaking
Love lockout, greatest Halo map of all time, this seems to catch the feel as well as gameplay very well. You got my download. It would be a good idea though to get a good overview of the map, as to get a better feel of the size and scale of all of the pictures we are seeing.
@The Csem: Glad you liked it! Never thought of playing Infection on it; I might add that gametype in a future update. I just got my internet back up after Comcast wasn't cooperating, so I'll run around on your map Waterworld in a while. EDIT: Done. Check the map thread for feedback. @firedrone8: Thanks! @I Killed Kenny: I'm happy that you enjoyed Marauder! I'll be adding more pictures sometime soon, not all of the ones that I had taken uploaded to the recent screenshots on [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thirteen more screenshots have been added for this map! Be sure to give this one a download if you liked Lockout from H2 or Blackout from H3! Message me for customs!
The only thing I think that makes the map cheesy is the Kill-ball on top of the tower. Usually kill balls are great if you are trying to simulate an energy core of some sort or as a ball of radiation. However in this case the kill ball seems to only be there for appearance. Other then that however I think it looks like a great map.
True. I may be wrong, but I feel that I have a strong grasp on gameplay, but my aesthetics suck. I've tried various things to make my maps look more appealing, because maps are nothing without aesthetics. The killball is only there for aesthetics, and doesn't really have a purpose in game, and isn't noticeable in game either. My friends didn't see it until eight minutes into the game. It's purpose is more so to get people to see it in an overview screenshot; in theory it is supposed to make my map look aesthetically better on forums and stuff so that it will get noticed. If anyone can help me with my understanding of aesthetics, that would help me a lot in the future for making my maps looks more appealing. Oh yeah, also about getting my maps noticed, should I have an overview for the thumbnail, or is the gravity hammer scene actually catchy?
btw, the hammer scene is catchy. I could help you with your aesthetics. i can come up with ideas for maps easy. it is just that without a forgepartner I get bored easily, and do not pursue my maps. I would love to help out. The main problem I see is that in small indoor/outdoor maps like this, teleporters are a major setback. but i dont know the exact size of this map so sorry.
You are good with aesthetics in this game? That's great, me and you could team up sometime. I have six unfinished projects atm (Stargazer, Defender, and MLG versions of Marauder, Champion, Stargazer, and Defender) which I am frantically trying to finish before Friday, but next week I'd like to start something new, so if you are up for it, send me a pm and we can brainstorm ideas.
Keep up the good work dude these maps look really awesome, but I only wish that I could try them out... damn xbox sitting there teasing me
wow, I can toally tell this is made with Black/Lockout in mind. You used a lot of the same ideas. (having to jump from platforms, elbows, tower 3 stories.) The asthetics are great too, Ill be sure to give this map a DL, and come back with better feedback.
Thanks for the posts guys. I haven't been on xbl for so long now lol, but I'll be sure to keep tabs on my maps. Glad you like the design, yeah it was mainly inspired by Lockout. [br][/br]Edited by merge: @ConcentricThree - What part of the map feels rushed to you? I worked a very long time on it. I just wanna know so that I can make the next version even better. I'm also going to finish Stargazer and Defender soon, so if any feedback about this map will help my future projects, I'd like to know.