Saw this on BNET while ago. What do you guys think?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TCD, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    This is just an idea I saw that is forge-related so I am guessing it goes here. I think its a sweet Idea. Please read the whole thing. I have too many people missing parts of this idea. Anyway I think this is a great idea. How 'bout you guys?

    I forget the thread but this one post suggested a whole re-vamp for the budget system and item limits! Remember Global Limit? Well What if the only things that restricted us was the Global Limit (So we wouldn't have 1000 walls) AND BUDGET!

    Item Limits would be removed on everything except things that have major potential for lag (Lights, Grav-lifts, explosives etc.) and objectives (who needs like 200 flag stands anyway?)

    This would expand our imaginations immensly! Seriously have YOU ever ran out of Walls / building Blocks and said "I wish I had some more of these....WHY BUNGIE?!?!?"

    Would you guys approve of this idea?

    On a side-note I wonder if it's possible to implement this through a Patch or something.....
    #1 TCD, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I think that would be the best idea since Forge 2.0. I would honestly say that I do run out ofthe certain objects I need. When I first saw the 100 I was like "Sweet! A hundred of each!" Then I placed an object and was all like "Sadface :(" As for the patch, I think it's completely possible to implement into. Just change the fact that there's no limit except on the latch things as you said.
  3. DeadlyHeretic

    DeadlyHeretic Ancient
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    I am 99.9% certain that the only way they could possibly due this in Reach would be to make a whole new map.

    So unfortunately, no having it on Forge World.
  4. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    Bungie has said before that is not possible to change objects on a map without re-releasing the map. Ex, a blue kill ball on Forge World means they have to release a new variant of forge world. I dont think that it could be implemented into current maps.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    if you think its frustrating how quickly a map can lag now,
    imagine it if we had unlimited objects...

    bad idea is bad.
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Agreed. Work with what you have now. I mean, they gave you about 20% more objects and 5x (or was it 4x?) budget since Halo 3. Be glad you even have a map maker in your games, OP. Most games aren't that fortunate. The engine couldn't take that many objects at once. I highly doubt Bungie would improve the engine over this infinitely mentioned concept. It's just not gonna happen.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    New suggestion:

    1 Remove every category except building blocks
    2 give us 1000 building blocks
    3 ???
    4 Profit
  8. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I'd rather then do something where you could edit the size of the block like with zones. Have the block be a simple texture or no texture at all and the ability to change colors. No mixtures of course.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1 Remove every contribution by LD
    2 Party somewhat until 1000 beers are consumed
    3 ????? < translates to drunken talk
    4 Troll success

    As for something on topic... this idea has been stated plenty of times and as much as you hope for this to happen, it wont. Object items are put in place to stop people abusing the system and sadly, there's always people trying to abuse the system, so it'll never be lifted.
  10. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I dont think forgeworld has much potential for change. A new forge map has endless possibilities for change however.

    In terms of budget and object count I have no problems. I do think that if a new forge map was released it should be much smaller in order to put the extra processing power to use in the way of more objects or similar
  11. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I think that this is a great idea! If the map is laggy that's the creators problme, not Bungies.

    All that would have to be done is add them to a new Forge World map, then release it. This would replace the old one and no one would ever know. If Bungie was smart they'd wait until they added other objects too.
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i'd rather Bungie release a standalone Forge expansion as a new disc of its own.
    it would feature a much more robust set of options, items, and canvases,
    and the content you create in it would be portable to Reach.

    sadly that will never happen.
  13. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    THat would be an even better addition!
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This thread needs a new title.
    Something like "I saw this in an old Forge Hub thread a while ago and felt like making a new thread instead of bumping the old one."

    Right now the budget limit and item limits are pointless so people should just be allowed to govern the objects they use by frame-rate lag.
  15. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They should split up forge world into the original design as several maps, leaving the huge budget on the smaller, independent maps. They could also have forge world on top of this, for people that somehow find a need for all that space..
    In my eyes forge world is too big, you could eliminate a lot of screen lag if it were split, as the original idea was..
  16. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    You are still limited by budget in the idea..... Read before posting!

    So like sapien in CE

    Wait... Thats what it was called rite?
    #16 TCD, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Step 3 - Take Underpants

    Anyway.....I would like to see more building block pieces even if that means increasing the object limit on them to say 200 each. Just giving people more objects to work with does not necessarily mean they will go crazy with those objects. It would though give people who know what they are doing a chance to actually complete a map without having to worry about switching forge objects that don't quite work.
  18. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    That makes sense - the palette is embedded into the map itself.

    If they release a new Forge World map with a change to the palette, I would prefer to have an all new palette with walls, doorways, and windows that look more like Boardwalk and Countdown. It is easier to build military style structures with those than with the current palette in forge world. The palette in Forge World is really geared toward a theme of Halo alien architecture, not so much human structures.
  19. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Havent read the rest of the thread, but its amazingly obvious why.

    Framerate lag.
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I don't have a problem with the current system in philosophy, I just don't get the particular limits they placed. e.g. I have 100 blocks that I am almost always going to use every last one of, and 100 inclines that I am almost never going to use unless I'm just forcing them in a replacement for a block I didn't have. You can't tell me that changing those numbers to 150 blocks and 50 inclines would cause screen lag in any way worse than what we currently get. I'd really love to see more intelligent object limits (basically meaning more blocks and walls, fewer inclines and decorative pieces).

    It's not really necessary to let us place a zillion objects because clearly any map like that won't be playable. But what people really want is more flexibility - to be able to make a map that uses more of one object category and less of others. If they can't give us that flexibility without breaking the system, at least up the number of available objects where it really counts, and take away from the ones people don't usually care about. I'm tired of finding creative ways to hide the ends of large braces just so I can use them as walls or floors.

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