Anti-Track Bot

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Xx Z0R xX, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. Xx Z0R xX

    Xx Z0R xX Forerunner

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    Okay, just to set the record straight.. This was my FIRST racetrack in reach. It was really my first taste to the new forge system. This means that when i constructed this map, i wasnt a complete expert yet, and i probably knew about half of the peices that are accepted as useful double wide peices ("racetrack peices" in other words). With that being said, i used what i thought of as good peices at the time and made the track as big as i could. Now that i am completely familiar with the items menu in forge, i feel that i could probably make a V2 that is larger and probably more fun if i added on to the original version. With that being said, i feel that for this track's time, it is a step ahead of most other tracks as far a aesthetics are concerned, and im stumped on why you guys would ever say that the aesthetics are lacking.. Lastly, i would also like to point out when i finished Anti-Track Bot. I know i posted it just recently, but that is only because i am some what of a noob when it comes to posting things on websites. This track is actually pretty old, it was finished in mid October.. and i have better tracks now. But i always appreciate when people take the time to make a review of my map. So thank you
  2. dragonslice

    dragonslice Forerunner

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    good map

    its good but i think most money was on the background but still really good

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