Emollitus - is a small map set up for slayer and typical objective game types. Im allways trying to make better maps, fighting forge worlds limitations. If you liked this map, look out for its sibling maps im curently making, The Emollitus series. I really appreciate comments and feedback! update
I have to say well done. I love the distinctive styling on this map, it's exceptional. It really feels like a unique battling environment and really stands out as a forged map with real substance, i commend you. My only criticism. albeit a small one is that perhaps there shouldnt be 2 fuel rod guns on the map, but I can see what you were going for with regards to symmetry. Well done. 9.5/10
The aesthetics of the map are very nice but I was wondering how the long pathways play into the game....
This is a nice looking map, I have to say some of your lay out reminds me of how I forge. Has nice different rooms and aesthetics, the incline and antennas look cool too. Nice work
Thanks D.M! glad you liked it. as for the fuel rod guns, I agree. I noticed it yesterday when the fuel rods totally dominated the game. and anime halo about the long pathways, the idea was to make the map a little bigger so i made some tunnels to go around the main room, but im working on some improvements to make them more interesting thanks Timmypanic! hearing that ppl like the map makes it worth forging it. took a look at your maps and they look great man [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hi guys! Made some updates on the map now, replaced the fuel rods with concussion rifles and tried to make the long pathways around the map a little more interesting. DL and please tell me what you think about the changes //DeStarfighter
Awesome map! love all the details. Earns my download but I noticed that the map is missing healthPacks, might do something about that. besides that, good work!
Ominous and unique. Excellent detail and creative use of antennas in the center. "Sewers" look creepy! DL: earned. (BTW - I always forget the dang health packs on my first run.)
thanks man yeah, healthpacks is a *****. lol seems like you have to forget at least one thing after posting a new map. I had to edit tower of emollitus like three times
Yet again, the aesthetics and looks are startling. Ill need to get a game on this now, but one question. You say its a medium sized map but from the pictures it looks rather small. Are there other pathways/levels in the map?
well thats my bad, I must have thought of something else when I wrote medium. (I will change that to avoid confusion) in the map there is the middle room with underwatertunnel, the smaller room on the side + the pathways around it. so it really is a small map. But still im thinking of ways to make it Slightly bigger.
Hi Starfighter ^^ I've been playing all your Emollitus maps for quite some time now and really love them all. But having played them as much has revealed some minor things that I would suggest that you take a look at before posting the V2:s. So I'm going to conviniently enough post what I think you should do on respective map thread ;P The first map. Emollitus. a great map for slayer, Koth and alot of other gametypes. one thing I noticed while in team games is that the layout gives the blue team a slight disadvantage because of the paths on the side of the main room only being accesable from the red base. if you dont want to change that completely you could just make something to at least compensate for that. and a even smaller "problem" is that you need to set the fixed weapons to normal after placing them so they wont float in midair after a payer gotten Killed/replaced the weapon. looking forward for the V2