Notice!: This map is no longer up for download, there has been an update. Please refer to this page: Team Paintball Games or here Paintball Yard 2 Paintball Yard arose from a custom game someone else created called paintball. except it wasn't very fun with DMRs as one team got 50 kills, the other got 20. so to make it more interesting I created a small, fun, insane team based map for my version of this game, which gives you no shields and low health, powered up weapons and only the Sprint and Evade abilities. And to make it for more hectic (And colorful) you get only the Plasma Rifle and Plasma Pistol. The pistol is a one-hit kill, the rifle is a two-hit kill. The game is all about surviving in this ridiculous, slayer game. To make it all the more important to survive, you get 10 lives. The game goes on for 3 rounds and the more players you add, the crazier it gets what with the unlimited ammo and inaccuracy of the weapons given. I have tested this map with a max of 4 people, and even in 2 person games its a fun game here. I imaging the maximum would be 8 players. This map doesnt work for FFA. This is the first map I have posted on Forgehub and beleive it to be one of my best. So tell me what to improve on! I know that perfection is out of the question and something can always be improved on. Now here are some screenshots. An overview of the Yard. Both bases are identical excepting color. Notice the bright blue canisters of explosives. The front ONLY has shield doors. the sides are wide open for shooting through! Hope you like the map/game! and any feedback is appreciated.
it is. thats part of why the middle building is there and there are a few barriers along the way. in all my testing it has never been an issue and the guns are not very accurate so its not like once they see you you die as if you had DMRs. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Edit: gametype altered, ignore the download for the gametype at the top f the first post. the correct link is now at the bottom of the first post, or here: : Halo Reach : File Details
Yeah I agree. The Middle could use something, there is very little cover. The building is on the side, I recomend putting some creative statues , etc, in the middle.
This map and the rest of my paintball creations are getting an update currently. Expect the change sometime this month, possibly as early as next week.