This is my Covenant Destroyer called Chaotic Serenity from Halo 3 that I brought to life on Reach. The ship is much larger than the original ever was. This is obviously an aesthetic map. I would make gametypes for it but I don't have enough money left to make a balanced experience. The Ship is over the canyon in ForgeWorld and has a small landing base underneath the ship. The base has teleporter leading up to the ships vehicle bay. The bay also has teleporters leading back onto the platform. The human teleporters are seperate from the vehicles so keep that in mind. The front section holds all 4 shade turrets while the rear houses all 4 plasma turrets for close combat. Underside view The disc on the underside is where the glassing laser is fired from and the turrets are on the sides. Topside view Rear view Small base The human teleporter is at the very back while the vehicle one is in the center. The shield doors on the top are used as a buffer against fall damage from the human teleporter. Command bridge Armory This is above the Command bridge. Vehicle bay Human teleporters are on the sides while vehicle is in the center. Sometimes the vehicle teleporter makes you blow up for no reason so use caution. Contains 1 wraith, 2 banshees, and 2 revenants. Engines Please download and give whatever feedback you can.
Hey, nicely done on the surface and interior! That's a big project to tackle and I'm sure it had it's deficulties. If I may give you any suggestions, it would be going a bit more in depth with the backgroud of the Destroyer class ship. What it is, how is it different from others, and what is it true tactical purpose and deployment history. May have to dig around a bit and do some research, but I'm sure there would be multiple people on the here who would love to read something like that.
The ship looks great. Great detail. Personally I always liked the covenant destroyers because they were so different looking compared to other covenant capital ships. Again Great Job. DL and Liked. BTW I actually played on this map the other day with some friends and the play was fairly smooth. Overall very fun map. My friends and I just played a few slayer games very frantic and chaotic once people started getting to the banshees.