To date this has been my most popular and most downloaded map, this map was on Bungies most downloaded map variant for close to 5 days in a row, currently it has 203 likes and 6,564 downloads. B-Ball Court The reason theirs only one picture is because theres no need to take more because both sides of the map are the same but the downloads speak for themselves this maps was an absolute blast to play on.
Please explain more about the gametype and how's it played. Seem kinda full of yourself when saying the description..
Im not being full of myself, go look at my fileshare, and yes i forgot to mention about the gametype, but its kinda like Grifball only except the bomb carrier turns black and has to run to either side and jump at the objective to score, the gameplay is fast and chaotic, each player has 5 lives because whenever you have the ball and score it you die, so it encourages you to let other teammates get a turn to score it
Having players turn black. On a basketball court. Really!?! Not accusing you of anything, but several 'racist' variants have used this feature.
Othe than the name and picture, i have no idea what this map is about. What are the rules, scoring, basic overview? Truly, i dont know how you got so many likes and dls, because it seems like you didnt put very much effort into it. I reccomend editing the map, and adding aesthetics and detail to make the map better. The map will get even more attention on here if you fix. JGarb | Forge