HEAVENS HELL 2 Heavens Hell 2 is the sequel to my slightly popular map 'Heavens Hell' in which Humans have to fight off the onslaught of flying demons. In Heavens Hell 2 humans are faced with demons from all angles, even below as they grow in numbers. Story Many weeks have passed since the incident. The government hid all evidence of their being any massacre. They filled in the caves and cleaned the blood from the cold stone. They took the bodies in their black vans and carried them away to some desolate research facility to run tests. The government didn't say a word to the public. They didn't wan't people to panic that their was evil at work in their precious utopia. Some people even claim that this country is 'heaven on earth' but I doubt it will be the opposite quite soon. 2012 has come and passed and everyone made fun of the theories of an apocalypse. Little do they know that the apocalypse has started and it won't end anytime soon. [ Dr K Smith LOG ] 26 Dec 12 - 11:16 : Subjects in place at room temperature. No degeneration of cells yet. strange 27 Dec 12 - 13:02 : Still no sign of cell degeneration. Lowered temperature 28 Dec 12 - 10:26 : Found samples of other subjects flesh inside Subject 1 29 Dec 12 - 8:50 : Strange bumps on the back of the subjects shoulders 29 Dec 12 - 21:39 : Bumps contain bone and are rapidly growing 30 Dec 12 - 11:17 : Subjects wounds are starting to regenerate 30 Dec 12 - 2:51 : Subjects eye colour is turning black. Staying late to investigate further. 30 Dec 12 - 22:46 : Amazing, the subjects are responding to light. 31 Dec 12 - 1 Jan 13 - 2 Jan 13 - Anyway here are some pictures Human Spawn 1 Human Spawn 2 Infected Spawn - detailed I know Section above Human spawn Cave Structure Cave Interior ( Side doors close after 60 seconds ) Cave Upper Stair Hall Stair Hall Interior Centre of Map Walkway Tunnel Room ( 4 Jetpacks spawn after 60 seconds ) Jetpack Room ( Access via the jetpacks only ) Jetpack Room Platforms Jetpack Room Teleport receivers ( Senders located in zombie spawn area ) Gametype - Demons 2 The Infected 3 Zombies to start ( Change it to how large your party is ) 200% speed and jump height No shields Zombies are red Humans Default health/damage/speed settings Last Man Standing Shotgun and Pistol start 110% Damage 110% Speed 110% Jump Height Human Loadouts Sprint Armour Lock Dropshield Active Camo Hologram Weapons 2x DMR - Spawn Upper 1x Grenade Launcher - Cave Structure 1x Sniper Rifle - Cave Roof/Upper 1x Gravity Hammer - Stair Hall under the stairs 2x Frag Grenade - Stair hall 1x Rocket Lawn Chair - Walkway 1x Focus Rifle - Tunnel Room 1x Plasma Repeater - Jetpack Room 1x Energy Sword - Jetpack Room Tactics / Strategies This is a relatively new version of the map where the jetpack room was added so strategies for that area are unknown for now. Stay together Gather useful weapons and head to the Cave Structure as its side doors shut after 60 seconds giving it a one-way entry. If you are camping it out on the walkway, have friends looking in each direction because the zombies really do come from all angles. Crouch walk when in small numbers to avoid the zombies detecting you. This works well in the Cave Structure and Tunnel Room. Obviously stop crouch walking if you become the last man standing. If in a camping spot, change position now and then to fool the enemy zombies. Staying in the same spot makes it too easy for them. I hope you guys like this map. My gamertag is my username if you want to send me errors with the map or even want to playtest it. Thanks to BeardedFleastar for helping me make the map and everyone that played the map with me in Custom Games. It all helped.
Im surprised noone has commented on this. It seems like a great idea. Me and my buddies are getting together and this is one map we definitly will play.
Thank you very much. Also remember the map pretty much requires the 'Demons' gametype. Playing the standard infection gametype would be incredibly unfair for the zombies. You could just of-course make your own gametype if you wished as long as the zombies have jetpacks. This map still hasn't had all aspects thoroughly tested so it would be great if you could message me any kind of feed back