This might be the SwissArmy of medium sized enclosed maps, easy to navigate, also lots of gametypes are a go and work killer. Other features include: excellent lines of sight, inclined floors in each room, hallways that are big, tall, skinny, with low ceilings and intersecting. The cobra (teleporter at belly) spit is just for quick escape, Headhunter fans will find this one cool with all the inclines the skulls roll down and pile up for some big scores. I could have done the Cobra better but budget prevented it and overall it’s not that importatnt. Spawns Set for max party sizes in all gametypes, 4 teams of 4 in slayer for example Oddball, neutral bomb & flag spawn in center room next to invis 1 cool mongoose Other Unique Enclosed Maps Mr. Rogers Miami Marina Mergatroid's Xboxx Mergatroid's Sublevels Mergatroid's Train Mergatroid's Eyeball
This map looks very unique. You use a lot of inclines and declines. Everything looks very smooth, seems like it would be great for territories and KOTH. Ill download and post a review later. looks great so far, nice work
The glass hallway looks somewhat long with nothing in between it... maybe a crate, or something? Other than that, it's a great looking map, looks like fun and immersible. The snake reminds me of the room from Harry potter, lol.
The snake kind of reminds me of Reptiles Lair from Mortal Kombat. But this seems like a good map. The long hallway has a fairly large Line of Sight, but thanks to the rooms splitting off from it, you could easily flank someone blazing bullets at one end of the hall. Overall, a nice map and a definite DL from me
Good call, there is 2 crates in that hallway, you land in between them when using grav lift, also you can get flanked from both sides in that hallway, it's not too safe you take a chance when going for the sweet view. thanks for the comment