Create an Armor Ability

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Maybe an armor ability similar to BO's Nova gas? You could release the gas from your armor (or maybe as a thrown grenade?)

    Telekenesis (did I spell that right?). Allows you to move fusion coils or any moveable object for a brief period of time, as if you were the monitor. This could be devastating on forge maps.
    I guess you would have a movement handicap while using this AA, and you probably wouldn't be able to shoot.

    Maybe a heal ray? Like in Team Fortress?
  2. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Kamikaze: You explode and kill everyone around you.

    Pro: Multikills.

    Cons: It is like suicide. If someone damaged you before, they get a point.
  3. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    'get over here !'

    Scorpion from Mortal Combat had it going on. Please give me a harpoon. It could work with AR, plasma pistols, shotguns, sword, hammer, stickies, lots of stuff - it would make people poop themselves. Maybe you could 'break' it with a quick melee. Think of the flag games, just jerk that SOB right backwards, and slit his gullet. Yeah, Harpoon FTW.
    #43 vesicles, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    one touch of the AA button sets down a marker, and a second touch causes you to be transported to where the marker is, but your shields are depleated, and you cant take objectives with you and the marker can be shot and destroyed
  5. FloppyPhoenix

    FloppyPhoenix Forerunner

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    Armor Ability: Spring

    Mechanics: Spring gives the user the ability to jump high into the air, or onto higher platforms. Upon pressing the AA button, the user automatically crouches for 1-2 seconds, and then gets flung into the air. No fall damage is taken upon hitting the ground. It can be used 2 times until it needs recharging, and recharges every ten seconds.

    Cons: Although the user doesn't take fall damage, they, however, lose 10% of their health because of all the strain they are putting both their armor and body into. Also, once a player lands, they cannot shoot their weapons, or move, for 1-2 seconds(but they can melee).
  6. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i like the idea of spy.... change colors of your team that would be cool.... maybe make them show up on the same team too but they have no shields.....

    the idea of a glider.... like a jetpack but instead of going up it moves more quickly... like sprint in the air....

    grappling hook.... hook to people and possibly kill them or attach to a car for a ride lolz...

    prone.... lay down have a look and shoot.... sneaky sneaky

    spawn tele... pick where you want to respawn like the tatical placement in cod mw2

    climb... the ability to stick to walls and climb them to camp or supprise attack.... you can stay on there but to move it requires your action circle to go down....

    spree... get any spree and be allowed to pick a weapon or vehicle drop of your choice...

    one man army sort of.... wait a long time after your first spawn and be able to choose in field what to be and be able to change it after another long time...
  7. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    Cooldown: automatically cools down overheated weapons(i.e. Plasma Pistols/Repeaters/Rifles, Focus Rifles, etc.), allowing for instant re-use, rather than waiting for cooldown. Two charges when fully charged, takes 10 seconds for one charge to re-charge.

    Pros: allows for near-continuous use, especially useful in combat.

    Cons: disables weapon use for 0.5 seconds, cannot throw grenades/melee for 0.5 seconds.
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Power Jump

    Allows you to jump higher than usual.

    Mechanics: You hit the AA button, and your person crouches down, the longer you stay crouched, the higher you'll jump. Then, once you've waited however long, you hit the jump button and, well, jump.

    Counters: While gaining power to jump (crouching) you cannot shoot or move. Only one use once before having to recharge, 5 second recharge.

    This would be good in strafes if you crouch then jump real quickly, no one would expect it. Also, it would be good if your trying to ninja someone (jump over their head and assassinate them.)
    #48 Erupt, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  9. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    What..What exactly makes you think you should spawn with a power weapon?
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Walshy: Brings in Walshy, what do you think?
    Mechanics:Basically, you win the game.
    Counters: Well, he might be sleeping or not playing Halo (like that would happen), so... yeah.
  11. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Shock Absorber: When activated in the air, reduces all fall damage taken to 0%

    Mechanics: Activate in midair, produces a 3 second shield that compresses and breaks on the ground, making all fall damage taken drain to 0%. If falling from a height of severe damage, upon landing, produces a shock-wave that can do damage depending on the enemy's distance to you. If activated on the ground the shockwave is less damaging and has a shorter range.

    Counters: And you also are unable to move for three seconds if you activate it on the ground. Plus the shield does not reflect enemy fire, so a sniper can still play some duck hunt on you.

    Emblem look: Spartan falling with a shock-wave coming out from below. Emblem color is Black

    (on a side not I cannot believe no one has thought of this.)
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Feign death: pretend to die to dupe enemies.
    Change Color: change your armor color to act as a member of the enemy team.

    Counters: Just like Hologram, the enemy can outsmart the tricks.
    #52 Loscocco, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  13. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    With Losco's feign death - how about a false shield-blow to go along with it. Like, the first time you hit the button, you emit a shield blow effect but the shields don't drop. The second press, you drop dead. So a quick double tap can make it look like you quit out of the game.
  14. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Beacon: When activated, overchargers the suites lights to blind opponents.

    mechanics: bet you can tell where i got this from. Works exactly like the halo 3 flare equipment (noise, shade of light, ect.) lasts 5 sec and takes 25 sec to recharge, larger area of affect than flare. glare does not affect teammates

    Counters: lights up your own visor by decreasing the amount of shade you see, and ya know, your really shiny... people shoot shiny

    emblem & color: a sparten with a splashy explosion thingy behind him, or somthing. color would probably be a pale yellow.

    EDIT: uh, just read the other pages... saw this was already used... i feel bad now =(
    #54 Talons013, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    why not just use jetpack? landing thrusters.
  16. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    True that. But what if you are playing a map where jetpacks either are not included or are not to be used because of certain map breaking characteristics, or the players gravity is too high for a jetpack to be remotely useful). This combines the best of jetpack and armor lock.
    #56 Zow Jr, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The best of jetpack is being able to go really high which is not included. The best of armor lock is being invincible which is also not included. Your idea would be useful in such a small and utterly useless situation that there's almost no point in having it. Not many maps even have a drop high enough to kill you, and those that do will always have some angled piece nearby to break your fall.
  18. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    There's plenty that I've seen. Lots of maps are enclosed and at least half actually have drops that can kill, and obviously jetpack would be completely useless or OP to the max. Or maps that are not enclosed completely but a jetpack could break boundries. There are actually numerous situations where this could be useful. Not just in the small situation where a jetpack can't be included.

    Example situations:

    1. An enclosed map that stretches high into the air.

    2. A partially close map with walls jumpable by jetpack, relatively high edges

    3. Paradiso and coastline beach map where barriers can be jetpack jumped

    And if you want to get through the air and not make so much of a target (noise wise) as jetpack.

    Or if you want something for use in cinematics for maps (for example, jumping out of a plane or from orbit to the ground) and many other creative ideas. It's rather limitless. (with certain boundries.
  19. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    *triumpaht voice* Ha ha, i came up with something else today

    reinforcments: (if I spelled that right) allows you to respawn other teammates right next to you.

    Mechanics: only avalible if a teammate is dead (recharge animation from faded to full color sorta tells you along with the big red X) uses the same or similar animation from the drop shield. if multiple teamates are dead, has recharge time of 3 sec.

    Counters: I think this should only be used in objective or BTB games, anyway you're vonerable (again spelling sucks) when in use and when teamates spawn their shields must recharge.

    Emblem/Color: A sparten running with an arrow behind him, color is dark red.
    #59 Talons013, Jan 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  20. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Almost like bro spawning, nix the invasion

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