"kloh-ey-kah" - an ancient sewer system competitive / asthetic map good for 4v4/ 8v8, supports ctf, assault and slayer variants. long sight lines make this map great for swat and snipers. weapon tally: 4 x plasma rifles 4 x spikers 2 x plasma pistols 2 x needlers 8 x assault rifle 16 x dmr 2 x sniper rifles 1 x rocket launcher * 1 x shotgun * shotgun is replaced with neutral objectives in ctf and assault
i helped play test this map in fact you were in my lobby yesterday i hope you made some adjustments like we talked about to increase the game flow. great aesthetics, good luck to your next map.
I don't know if you might want to rethink the name, because I'm pretty sure a cloaca is also a bird or lizard's ass-hole.
name is fine, its a latin word. download the map and let me know what you think. thanks. [br][/br]Edited by merge: hey mason, appreciate your help and input. i made a few of the changes we talked about. i may implement more in the next update. thanks for the support.
Map Posting Rules Threads must include at least one picture OR video that clearly demonstrates the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must point directly to the file on bungie.net. You must include a description of the map. Thread titles must consist of the map name ONLY. Failure to post your map correctly will result in a topic lock after 1 hour in the absence of a fix. ~Trivial
I would think it would be better if you added a few more pictures and a description for the map. It does look good, but I would DEFINATLY want more pictures and a description. Even gun spawns would be fine.
thanks for the tip redemption. i added a list of weapons that appear on my map. i'll add a few more pictures and a longer description as soon as i find the time. probably have it up within a day or two. let me know what you think of the map itself also. anxious to hear what people think.
The map is great. I have a few issues with some of the jumps. And the stair cases you've created to the left and right of the bases are awkward... you can just jump over them I suppose. Also, the middle portion with the rockets- I felt like the left and right drop downs should have been lifts out of there.
thank you for posting up some feedback. i'm curious which jumps gave you trouble. bottom mid not having lifts is by design. as it is the fastest path between the 2 bases i felt it needed to be the most dangerous. i eased this slightly by adding 2 jetpack pickups. one in each dropdown (im sure you noticed) on a one minute respawn.
The jumps from the bases to the upper section where the shotgun is above the rockets. The timing was a bit too tough for my tastes (my kids probably couldn't make it). I fixed it by adding two 1x1... crap... I can't think of what they're called all of a sudden... Inclines, not ramps, triangular... Anyway- two of them set face to face to create a short pointed platform to make the jump smoother.
No offense, and I mean this as friendly teasing. But... Cloaca, "... the posterior opening that serves as the only such opening for the intestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts of certain animal species. " Considering this pic I think your name still fits: Again, I don't mean to be mean, just silly.
OK, getting over the name, I think its a good map! The layout isn't too complex but it still looks like a really detailed area that you're playing in. It took me a while to realise there were those tunnels at the top, I like how you made them but I get a feeling that it might be too easy for campers to hide up there. Looks fun for BTB and objective games though
This is a very good looking map! I can't wait to download it so I can take a better look at it! I hope the layout/ shape and the gameplay match the looks of it! But I'm going to rename it if you aren't going to, lol. Sorry lol. If no one else had mentioned anything about the name I wouldn't, but its just a wierd name now lmao.
A big thank you to everyone who has posted some feedback, its greatly appreciated. My apologies for such a delayed response to all of your posts, I have been quite busy here lately. Yes, I've seemed to have gotten alot of comments like this since i posted my map. To be clear, I am not offended by the playful teasing. I would however like to point out that you are reffering to the "New-Latin" definition of the word. ie. The new definition givin to a very ancient Latin word for the purpose of scientific identification. "cloãca - Latin - A vaulted subterranean channel for carrying off drainage of every kind." (quoted from the Dictionary of Classical Antiquities) Great feedback, and a good idea. I will look into adding something like that in my next update. Yes, I was originally concerned about that myself. But I havent actually noticed it being much of an issue in the playtests I have done so far. The area in question sees much less traffic then other areas of the map. If i start getting complaints about campers up there i will certainly deal with it in an update. Thanks for the feedback.
Shinobi Zeeb This is Burninator311 I have been there since the birth of this map!! Playtested it and all! I see someone has an Ancient Sewage map. Total RIP OFF. What is this garbage for real?! How can someone copy and paste and take all the credit?! SHINOBI ZEEB'S map RIFLE GAMEING not cool... Shibobi Zeeb gets the credit.
zeebs map This map is the original I play tested it as did many others and riflegaming ripped it off n called it ancient sewag. (to all reading this) if u want to play the real map download this map rifle does not deserve any recognition for this he did not put any time into forging this map
thanks for having my back boys, i had his map removed from forgehub. unfortunately he is still somehow recieving a ton of downloads on his cheap shitty rip-off clone of my map. what is he a goddamn asshole? what is this?
I had originally reported him cause I thought he straight stole your map. I was like, woah.. these tunnels, the grid, the neutral cave.. I just saw this in another map. And he did take a lot of your elements from you, to go onto to make a shittier map. Sad people these days.
Hey good map, downloaded it...usually hate maps with water cause it usually never makes sense. this map it seems to fit very well and has a purpose. By the way...the thing about the cloaca being a bird bun hole...yeah definetley true...my middle schoolers learn this when i teach them about bird digestion....one of their favorite topics.