A remake of a Halo CE mission, fight inside the covernant hanger bay, apon platforms, 2-16 players Map contains Covenant weapons; 1 concussion rifle 1 energy sword 1 fuel rod gun 1 gravity hammer 2 needler rifle 2 needler 1 plasma pistol 1 plasma repeater 2 plasma rifle 1 spiker 6 plasma grenade Human weapons; 1 DMR 1 Grenade launcher 1 shotgun Armor Abilities; 1 jet pack 1 hologram I tryed showing the Halo CE pic that i was makeing it off but dont let me upload to show you how much it looks like it . A small elevator to get onto the platforms. Side view of the hanger. Note the wraith cant be driven around the hanger. I really hope you enjoy this map, i tryed baseing it on the pic i found shame i could not uploaded it for you , download and tell your friends and have a look through my other maps to enjoy playing.
Great job. I totally recognize this area. It looks like some of the scaling may be a bit off, but I'd have to see the picture you are referring to. I think that center platform and second story are suppose to be a bit higher. That could all be due to the size of the room you're building in though. What types of games play best in it?
hay dude thanks for the fed back, and ye just wish i could upload that pictur, i was going to make it higher but thought of fall damage and that, and the game type that is mostly for is FFA Slayer considering its a small map but i put in some extrat feauters to make the map more enjoyable.
Wow, great job remaking the mission! Looks just like it. Although, i think having banshees on the roof is not that great of an idea: half of people that would play on it would jetpack up there with ease, and even if there was a kill boundary, people like to fly and would soar into it, die, and complain. Other than that, the map looks great, one of the more easily recognizable missions. Great job!
Ye i can see where your comeing a cross but in a small room to fly its easy to die or even jack the banshee, i only added it in for detail and thought should i before i added them.
You can always place a soft kill barrier to cover the whole banshee and a hard kill barrier where the driver gets in, that way they are warned and it'll be their own fault if they get in. I also think this map would place nice for one sided objective games (team) or others like headhunter, stockpile and territories. Nice looking map, very original
ye its got head hunter, i was thinking of haveing small objective games but because its a closed and small map i thought no to add it but im thinking of adding more game types in if the map goes well
Not my style. Looks a lot like a casual map. This is about the farthest thing from competitive i've seen thus far. You sure this is the right section for this? It looks less competitive than the maps in the community playlist.