Hello everyone... over the past few days I have been starting to wonder about the Halo games. Are the achievements actually worth all the hipe everyone gives them. The achievements in the Halo games, like many other games, don't really help you in anyway. You basically have to go to the extreme and play a game all different kinds of ways to get gamerscore that you can go brag to your friends about. That just makes you look like you have no life. But anyway back to my point...... The halo achievements really have no purpose whatsoever. They dont help you in any way except maybe by giving you a few pieces of crappy armor. And most of the achievements you have to play for ours or days just to get a few gamerscore. And some of them are virtually impossible to get. For example: You Blew it Up: blow up the research facility in a matchmade invasion game on breakpoint I have asked my friends and read comments by many people and they have basically all said: "Ever since the new maps came out, I have not found a single invasion match on that map!" Like I said, virtually impossible. And some of the achievements in the Halo games you would never even think of what to do unless you look it up. Basically you are cheating when you look up secrets for a game.... I am not saying that I do not do this because if I did than I would probably be the biggest liar in this universe. And theres an achievement in ODST that says you have have to collect all the audio-things,sorry forget what they are called, That is straight out impossible unless you know that you basically have to start the game over and do the campaign again in order to get the last audio-thing in the next to last mission. But anyway this is why I think Halo games should not have any achievements. I liked it when it was more of a Halo 2 style. You would do the campaign and what not for the fun of it, not to be the first one to have all the achievements in the game. I used to play Halo 2 for ours, just exploring the campaign missions, finding secrets and having fun killing the covenant. But now it seems even the campaign has been turned into a competition. I dont think that bungie intended their whole Halo series to turn into this but with the idea of achievements, they kind of had to or else they probably wouldn't have been as populer as they are today. So now I am done talking and I will hope to find some interesting comments... NONE THAT SAY SOMETHING LIKE QUIT COMPLAINING AND JUST PLAY THE GAME Because I guarentee you are just as bad at complaining as I am.
You know Gameinformer actually posted a blog that discusses Xbox 360 achievements. When I salvage up some time, I'll try to find you the link. Edit: Found it! LINK
Nobody is making you complete achievements; if you don't want to get one... drumroll please: just don't do it! Some people like competing with their friends or others through the internet community to see who is better at those certain tasks. Some, like myself, like to complete them for personal satisfaction. They are all possible without ever looking them up on the computer, as long as you have enough skill, imagination and drive to achieve them. I got the "You Blew it Up" achievement on the fourth game I ever played in the NMP playlist; it's really not that hard to find an invasion game on it. I agree with you that exploring the campaign, finding secrets and killing enemies is hella' fun, and the addition of achievements does nothing to change this fact. Noone's making you dedicate your life to get a perfect 1000 (or a 1250 now). Personally, I think they add additional depth to the game and give players some ideas as how to play the game in different ways. I find it an enjoyable challenge to complete some of the more difficult ones, and I don't get stressed out if I can't complete one, I just live with it. Also, Bungie can't just not put achievements in their game, it's part of Microsoft's accreditation requirements for XBOX 360 games. Oh, bee-tee-dubs, quit complaining and just play the game
Achievements are pointless in every game. They are just there so players have a little more to work for other than completing a mission in campaign or winning a match in MM. If you don't like the achievements in Halo games then don't try to get them. Easy as that.
Alright except for the obvious comments... I posted this because I wanted to see your opinions about how you liked Halo 2 compared to playing for achievements in the other halo games. And i also wanted to see if you guys had any trouble with some of the Halo achievements.
1. Achievements in general serve no purpose except to show that you cared enough to get them. That were you willing to play because you love the game, not because you want a higher gamerscore. IF it takes days before I get a match of invasion on breakpoint, I'm not angry. I'm playing the game and enjoying, BECAUSE I LOVE HALO. 2.Virtually Impossible is a gross overstatement. Again, talking about "You Blew it Up", I played invasion on breakpoint 6 times before I got the achievement. 6 tries before success is hardly impossible...... its 16%. Try playing in the DLC playlist with friends until you get it. 3.You say they don't give you anything except a few pieces of crappy armor and gamerscore. Most games don't give you anything for them except some gamerscore. Awardables, I think, are a nice new feature. I can wear Jorges helmet and anyone who cares knows I've gotten a killtacular in matchmaking. 4. You forget how great Bungie is at making sure everything WORKS. Try getting an achievement in some obscure Civil War Game that's glitched. Or that one basketball game that has an achievement for being online with 1000 other players. At least all the halo achievements are possible, and in general don't depend on other people. If you miss the days of halo 2 when it was just about completing the game, than just play the game that way. No one is stopping you
1. I havent read the thread, so my reply is almost definitely going to be the same as someone elses. 2. Achievements are worthless. And its funny you mention armor. Halo is one of the ONLY games which awards you with more than pointless gamerscore for getting Achievements. It gives you pointless armor too, which is a good thing. 3. NO ONE is forcing you to get them. They are only there to influence players to play a game in a way they usually wouldnt. And they are also something used to keep track of games. I can look at any of my friends now and say: "Ooh, he got X amount of kills in X way, thats pretty cool". They have more than purpose than just gamerscore. Basically, youre complaining about something that adds to games. Sense? This thread makes none.
The only good Achievements are the ones that cause you to search for new features in a game. Maybe you've never heard of a file share before Cool File, Bro. Perhaps you never even tried a Solo Legendary campaign before A Monument to all Your Sins. It's these kinds of Achievements that completely blow away any agument you had. I do agree that "Kill X Rangboorks" Achievements are pathetic, along with any other achievement that relies mostly on luck (sort of like the weapon/map specific Achievements on Halo 3).
i don't mind the weapon/map specific ones, but the "kill this many x" ones can be a bit annoying. the one for the moa in the first mission would have been better if you had to splatter them. than at least it'd be halfway difficult
yes achievements are pointless and have no purpose. but there called achievements for a reason, there just challenges that the game developers put in for an extra challenge and most of them are hard. if achievements were less rare (ex: you dont get one for just doing a mission) there would be more of a point because your saying i have the ability to kill 500 AIs without being killed
You Blew It Up is extremely easy to get. When Bungie updated the DLC Playlist i jumped for the first time in that playlist, got Invasion on Breakpoint, and planted the bomb in thelast minute. And the Achievement also got updated. You can also get it if a teammate blows it up.
I'd say the gamerscore is pointless but achievements are generally used to make people pay the game longer and I admit that I have spent longer playing some games just to get an achievement or two. So yeah, we all know they're useless but don't you just love that *bleep bloop* sound?
Achievements can give a second life to an overplayed game. Instead of playing the same old maps, with the same old objective, you can try and do something different, and be rewarded for it. Some say they're worthless, and I can agree with that, but if you told me that when you finally got your Two for One in Halo 3 after playing Lone Wolves for hours on end was not satisfying, you'd be a liar.
halo achievements aren't useless. In halo waypoint they boost up your waypoint score and some grant you access to halo armor that is unavailable otherwise.