Forgetacular Winners announced!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Toastman, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    I did tested my map like 9 times, making modifications each time I tested. If i showed you pictures of the V1 of my map, it is a whole different map than the final version.

    My map had a lot of very planned stuff like:

    • No spawn killing
    • Barriers properly set for each phase of invasion
    • Tactical cover. Spaces between one cover and the next were meticulously planned and timed.
    • Good spawning.
    • Many alternate routes. This was one of my main concerns in an Invasion map.
    • Balance.
    And regardless of that, a crappy map won Invasion. Not saying I should have won. it is highly probable that there were way better invasion maps than mine, but the one that won (Saucered) sucks.
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    The majority of people will not have. The difference between you and the others in the thread, is that you admit that it was highly likely other maps were submitted that were better than yours. The best maps I've ever seen are from non-members of Forge Hub.
  3. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Well, For me, victory will be at least to see my map on matchmaking... That would help my curriculum as a future game designer... I hope.
  4. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Enclosed got a cookie? That is wonderful as it is the only map on the community playlist I thought had a good fun factor. I still would never want to play Swat on this, but yeah, I liked Enclosed. I have yet to play the others so I am not gonna comment yet. Kudos to Enclosed creator.
  5. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    Having looked at all the winners I must say I'm rather dissapointed.

    Apparently Enclosed was already in the community playlist... how I managed to entirely miss playing that one I'll never know. It's pretty nice I think.

    Cobra is nice, and Mansion looks like it'll be fun for infection.

    As for the rest, I spent around 10 minutes in each and managed to find places where you weren't supposed to get on each of them. I mean some pretty significant spots.

    Attonment, you can get out on the edge of the rocks that go off toward the pillar and you can get completely behind the opposite base way down in the bottom and up against the cliff wall. Improper killzone placement is at fault here.

    Treasury, there's a spot near the rocket spawn and up against the pillar that you can get to, not super advantageous but it will catch people off guard. Once again, lack of killzone placement, you don't even need a jetpack for this one.

    Abridged, You can fly entirely under the map with the jetpack, going right under the center area with no problem. It's also possible to get down inside of each of the power up containers, grab the power up, and get back out with out being killed by the soft kill zone. Didn't really look for other flaws other than this immediate spots that popped out to me.

    Saucered, the walkway along the cliffside above the hemorrhage canyon. It's possible to drop down onto the supports for this walkway and not die. It'll require a jetpack to get back up but still. There's also probably a good amount of similar spots over at the bridge but I didn't look.

    Out of 3k maps entered I would expect the winners to at least not have these type of issues. I even spotted a couple flashies or z-fighting on some of them. If you're not supposed to get there, make damn sure people can't get there. Because players will find a way to break your map. I know when bungie playtested these they must've just played them as intended and not gone exploring. I'm no mapping genius so if I can find these kind of things in a matter of minutes, imagine what'll happen when these get into matchmaking.

    Despite the above complaints, I still gotta say that at least these are pretty well put together maps. I doubt they'll be as fun as some of the ones I playtested for the contest but at least they aren't total crap. Deserving of a win? Doubt it. Most of these I think I could find a much better map to replace it in a pretty short period of time.
  6. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Wow, and people are wondering why there's trash talking toward Bungie... Really? The announcement addresses how we shouldn't be boasting to Bungie and claiming that their choice of maps are inferior. What do you guys think is happening here!? Even admins are saying the maps suck compared to forge hub. I must say that I'm pretty disappointed by this thread, especially the "higher-ups". It's one thing to have an opinion but the way these opinions are being expressed is nothing short of self-entitlement and childish. From the majority of complainers, there has been no evidence of rational thought. How do you expect people to not act like this on other forums when the same attitude is condoned here? Instead of ripping on the creators and saying how they've seen maps much better on Forge Hub, take the time to actually analyze the maps. I realize there may be some flaws but these maps also have their strengths. Recognize both and discuss why you think the cons outweigh the pros. That has yet to be seen here. Seriously, Forge Hub, if you want to stop the elitist attitude, it has to be taken care of here.
  7. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    I never said the cons outweigh the pros, I simply said the maps have flaws, quite a few of them. I was kinda expecting the winners to have some really excellent maps. These ones are fine and all, but there are such simple problems in them, it makes me wonder what else Bungie may have overlooked when going through the maps...
  8. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    First, there are no admins in this thread. The only staff member that commented was clearing up the disqualification process.

    Second, opinions are opinions. I can tell you that your map sucks and leave it at that. It doesn't mean I'm elitist, it means I dislike your map.

    Third, and seemingly contradictory, there is absolutely no way to "analyze a map" and come to the conclusion that it's poorly made without appearing "elitist" "superior" or "bitter" in some way. By definition, when you say something is worse, you're saying the alternative is better. When it comes to opinions, people tend to take negativity as the person speaking believes themselves better. But the fact of the matter is, anyone playing a game can say they dislike how it plays, and in the case of maps they can say it's poorly built even if they can't build a better one (or one at all).

    That being said, the only map I looked at (aside from Enclosed which I'm glad won over others because it's the only decent map I played from the playlist) was the Infection winner. I was fine with it winning based on what bungie said and pictures of it. But someone told me I had to see the map myself as there were serious flaws, and there were.

    1. The "play room" is ridiculously campable. You can stand in a corner and watch people file in waaaay across the room from the only entrance.
    2. Many of the other rooms can be decently camped with one or two people, easily camped with three or more.
    3. The TV uses a one-way door instead of a shield door, which means you can get sucked in and stuck. Sure you can slide off the edge but it could (theoretically) get you killed.
    4. The lift up to the bathroom is cool, but it's broken. If multiple people use it at once one of them will undoubtedly find themselves stuck and unable to get out. At that point, if anyone else uses the lift they're stuck as well.
    The aesthetics were great and the design was okay. But what I mentioned above breaks it as a map (particularly the first and last point), which is disappointing because many other maps accounted for (or just plain didn't think to use) the game-breaking stuff.

    I was honestly fine with that map winning until I was convinced to look at the map myself, now I'm just disappointed.
  9. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    I wasn't talking to you. Actually, you probably posted the most reasonable reply on this thread. There was no hint of the animosity I was talking about. And you said more than "this map is horrible". You posted valid reasons. So, I respect your opinion. I guess I was saying posters should be more like you and actually justify their opinion. Don't take it as a personal attack on you - it was to other people on here.
    #49 Combs53090, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  10. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    I wasn't taking it as an attack. I figured you didn't mean everyone in this thread even though... kinda did make it seem that way.

    The emotion and feeling behind a post doesn't carry over very well via text so if someone makes a remark about the post in a thread, I usually clarify myself. :)
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Played a bunch of these in customs. The team slayer map really isn't too bad. There are far worse maps in matchmaking currently.

    The invasion map didn't make much sense, BUT IT HAD A SWEET EXTENDING BRIDGE ON THE SPACE SHIP! lol

    Overall, these could be soooo much worse.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Race map is pretty good too
  13. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    I find it outrageous that Joeski got another map into matchmaking. His work is passable at best and I don't see why bungie keep coming back to his work. I'm contemplating joining the workplace, because it seems like the best chance anyone has of getting their map in matchmaking. Look on the front page as well. A good amount of stories featuring "standout forge maps" are from that group. Granted most of them are good, a lot of credibility gets lost when they are all pals with bungie. I keep giving them a chance to listen to what us, their most loyal fans, truly want to make the game as great as possible, and I only end up disappointed. Sure, it could be worse, but I feel like it's getting a bit ridiculous. I'm looking forward to trying out the other maps, but I don't think I'll give Joeski another undesevred download.
  14. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    INORITE? I didnt enter anything, but if I had this one would rub me wrong, ya know. Atom - Hooray, ok this guy won, another next big winner is Treasury - Mega Awesome, what a Savant! It's probably a great map.
  15. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    For writing so much, you completely missed my point. I wasn't sure what to call them, admins, mods, I don't know but to be honest it doesn't really make a bit of difference.
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Yes it does actually. Mods and admins represent the site as a whole, the other colors don't. Simple.

    You can get into discussions as a community, but the views still aren't elitist, disappointed and disapproving maybe, but not elitist. In here anyway.

    Also, I didn't miss your point, I addressed your point because it was fallacious. But if you care to continue the commentary, I'm all for a VM conversation.
    #56 SargeantSarcasm, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  17. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    It's just unfortunate forge doesn't also exist also as a PC program where the user had some control over rendering, distances, and optimization. Anyone who has used Hammer, Elder Scrolls CS, or any other major modding program on the PC would probably be joyous to find Forge on the PC. Sadly, there are all sorts of legal and technical issues preventing that from happening, and until then, Bungie and the Community will have to make sacrifices. Forge is a great leap forward for console games and editing, but it has a long way to go before it can catch up to the flexibility of PC editing and modding.

    I have yet to try these new maps, but I want to be optimistic. Some of them look decent. But I also am willing to keep playing customs. Half the people on matchmaking are either way out of my league or annoying assholes. Halo has and always will be best enjoyed, for me, with my friends.
  18. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Missed the point of that too. Wasn't saying the difference isn't important but that it really doesn't make any impact on the bigger picture of my post, which was about people who make analytical critiques as compared to people speaking entirely based on emotion and irrational thinking.

    If you read my post you would have seen this:

    I have no problem if you dislike a map. Nobody should expect to have their creations received with absolute praise. There is always something wrong. But what help is it when you just say it sucks? The point of this community is to receive CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM! It especially doesn't help when someone says your map sucks this other one is better without stating why. THAT IS WHEN YOU COME OFF LIKE AN ELITIST. Not because you have an opinion but because you claim others are inferior with no valid reasoning. That is what the community announcement addressed and that is what my post was about. I hope you get that this time. Even though, this doesn't really apply to you because you provided valid reasons why you didn't like the map. I was speaking towards the people before me.

    Sorry but that is just plain wrong. Giving an informed and beneficial response doesn't automatically make you seem elitist, superior or bitter.

    I hope my point got across this time...
  19. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    No, he didn't miss your point..your point was irrelevant to his post. He told you that the staff who represent Forge Hub were not in here doing the things you claimed them to be. You said that it was exceptionally terrible that even Forge Hub admins were in here bashing these maps. There were no admins or staff in here saying any such things and he corrected you on that.

    However, that doesn't change the fact that half of your opinion is just wrong. Sometimes things suck and there is nothing that can be done about it. Trying to give constructive criticism on a really bad map is like a person getting a car from a junkyard then asking a mechanic what needs to be fixed. Everything. Sometimes feedback is just so absolutely useless that a map just "sucks".

    Music can suck, movies can suck, TV can suck, jokes can such but for whatever reason whenever anyone says a forge map sucks it's "elitest jackassery that brings the community down". Now I'm not pointing fingers at any maps in this winners circle I'm just saying that things can suck and you don't have to be an elitest to say so.

    Again, any further conversation should be had in VM's
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I tried the race map, it was good. Nothing groundbreaking, but it wasn't broken or incredibly bumpy.

    Hahaha, true.

    How do mods and admins represent the site? Mods are like the police in a community, right? But the police don't represent that community. And an admins job isn't to be a figurehead, therefore, he shouldn't represent the site. If anybody represents FH its the journalists. They're the ones expressing their opinions on the front page.
    #60 Security, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011

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