Forgetacular Winners announced!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Toastman, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    it has nothing to do with whether anyone agrees with your conspiracy theories or not,
    it has more to do with not acting like a childish ass about it.

    sorry you lost bro.
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Have you two actually played the maps or are you talking out your ass?

    While some of the winners may have had connections with judges, did it ever occur to any of you that Bungie genuinely thought that the maps were good enough to win the contest and (eventually) be added in MM?
    I saw the one picture of each map in the WU and yeah they don't look that great. But that doesn't mean I have the right to say that the maps are horrible. Atleast get some games on the maps before you blast the hell out of them.

    I downloaded Cobra (the race map) and had a solo drive through on it. It is longer than I thought and from what I could tell there isn't any bumps. Might try to get a full party to have a race or two on it.
    #22 Chron, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    First, I'd like to say congratulations to the winners. Whatever people may think of the winning entries, Bungie's injecting 7 new maps into the standard playlists created by us, so who am I to complain. I trust they play well and I can't wait to get games on each of them.

    Even though the contest might be over, Bungie is always on the lookout for great community content, so even if we didn't win, there's no sense in moaning about the winning entries or especially trying to attack the people who forged them. And if you don't necessarily agree with Bungie's taste in maps, there's always Customs. No one's stopping you from creating or playing what you want to.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can tell a lot about a map just by flying around in forge. All I had to see was that the bases held the highest point of elevation and that the LoS coming from them encompassed much of the map. These two things combined reduce almost all incentive to leave the bases aside from occasionally running to get a power weapons when it spawns. I might have some potential for a gametype other than TS, but unfortunately it won TS and will not play it well at all.
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I'm sorry guys, but stop being butthurt about the winners. They won. You didn't.

    I think it is pretty blatant that there were better maps that were submitted, but Bungie didn't pick them for whatever reason. & At the end of the day, it is their game, they were the judges of the comp, you haven't lost anything, other than your time.
  6. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    A guy that's on my friends list won, Ye5, so I'm happy for him.

    I would like to know what folder my maps made it into though. Probably the first punt folder, heh! :D
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Complaining that the maps that won suck is not being "butt-hurt" from loosing. I'm personally upset because I was expecting something I've never seen before and somewhat mind blowing...
    And yes, it is Bungies game... But that doesn't make them right. :/
  8. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    Well maybe people's maps dont play aswell as they think they do. Maybe forgehubbers put more time and effort into forging and aesthetics, then into gameplay and testing. If anyone thinks they know more about map design and what makes for good gameplay than Bungie, I think that's delusional. Put more time and effort into testing and gameplay design, than into a fancy map post with cool graphics. This is like a ***** slap from Bungie saying, yeah your map looks awesome but it plays like a lump of ****, and gameplay is what we care about above all else. Just stirring the pot, I love some to the (edit: WTF) --- I love some of the great maps I find here on forgehub, and really would have liked to seen one win, but meh - back to killin noobs
    #28 Scalpel Technique, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  9. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    Yeah, but just because a map has good aesthetics doesn't mean it plays like ****. A map that plays excellent can also look good, that's what makes it stand out from all the others. Sure, Gameplay>Aesthetics, but Gameplay+Aesthetics>Gameplay>Aesthetics. I was hoping for some amazing, innovative, creative maps in this contest, but all we got were maps that might play well, but are rather bland. I think the biggest cause of this is whatever Bungie uses as their "stress test". This eliminates pretty much any map with complicated structures, innovative design, or beautiful aesthetics simply because the Reach engine can't handle it.
  10. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has nothing to do with Bungie's stress test. That's a myth thats gotten out of hand.
    Look at the image Bungie provided below. Only 45 out of 65 maps got denied because of the playtest, which is where any stress test would occur.


    Essentially Bungie got around 1,000 entries for the TS category. Based off of pictures and videos, maybe even a quick fire up in forge, the vast majority got put in the "punt" category. Bungie sees a few with potential... What happens with the "maybe" category only time will tell.
    The next stage is the Playtest. I'm assuming any map that was "unplayable" due to screen lag was thrown into the "punt" category. Maps that didn't play well were simply denied (minority) and the rest proved to be an enjoyable enough experience to make the cut.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    That's not necessarily implied. A playtest could be literally just that, and any stress test could be performed automatically or simply at a different stage.
  12. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    *A good part of this post is conjecture based what I understood from Bungie's updates and other sources. Do not take it as fact* From what I understood from the BWU, only maps that made it into the "Playtest Approved" category actually had multiple games played on them. The 1127 maps were denied playtesting from either not following the rules, bad spawn placement, improper geometry (?), or not being competitive without tweaks. What I found ironic about that, is that a majority of maps in the CSP had bad spawn placement, and were lacking kill zones, something that you could find in a quick forge-through. (I'm gonna guess that the 9 in the current playlist made it into the "Playtest Approved" category). So anyway, 1010 of the maps (88%) were thrown away without so much as a single game on them. There's no way that this many maps could have not followed the rules or had atrocious spawning. So I think this is where the "stress tess" (for lack of a better term) came into play. It's very possible that Bungie does this test without even running any games, they could have programs give them data on object density (which supposedly is a big killer of maps), take a quick look at it to check for Z-flickering, and look around in it to check for screen lag; no games required. I'm just upset that from these choices, it seems that maps that try to put pieces together in innovative ways will be penalized, even though there is a very good chance for it to be great map.
  13. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I don't think this counts out other maps in their entirety. They were just releasing winners. There are likely some hopper fillers yet to be chosen/revealed. That being said... based on the winners, I don't think any of the maps the majority here would pick are going to make it into MM. Spartan (heh, see what I did there?) map design seems to have been a much larger component of the judging than we expected.

    I just wish we had all gone in knowing that.
  14. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No, its not. But it is a logical approach to it.
    Maybe there is some weird step they conduct a stress test, maybe there isn't. Maybe it's a myth that developed out of mis-communication between Bungie to MLG to the Community. Regardless, this "stress-test" hubris has gotten out of hand.

    Edited by merge:

    ^ This :D

    I had completely over looked such a possibility entirely. You might be on to something...
    #34 SecretSchnitzel, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    AMac raises an interesting point that is again disappointing. The 9 TS maps that made it into the community playtest were in Bungie's approved folder? Some of them have z-fighting, all of them have a poor spawn system, most of them do not have kill zones, some of them have fixed weapons. I mean seriously? They passed tests that other maps didn't?

    But like I said before, I will not take out my rage gun on these maps yet as I haven't played on them yet and they might be fun, being bland doesn't necessarily make a unfun game, just a meh game. I also just find it suspicious with JoeSki winning technically twice....I really do.
  16. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    I wish they would come out and say: "Hey, look, maps with x,y, and z won't pass our tests to make it into matchmaking, so if you want to play your map in a playlist, here's what you need to do". Instead of just giving us ambiguous updates on how they chose the winners
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I didn't expect to win, I didn't expect any of you to win. I look forward to trying all of these maps out and then i'll make my decision.

    Besides, there is still a chance we'll see some of our maps make a playlist.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    No. That is exactly what butthurt means. ¬.¬

    & I didn't say that because it is Bungies game it makes them right. It makes their decision final. You jelly?

    Ohh and I have no doubt Bungie will do a stress test. The maps need to be suitable to play online. Z-fighting doesn't necessarily cause network lag, which is the primary concern of a map in matchmaking.
    #38 B3NW, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  19. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I know the maps sucked, don't tell me what I don't understand ¬.¬ . My point is, why is everyone still complaining they didn't win? Bungie ran the competition and they chose the winners. If you don't like it, send them a stern email telling them how butthurt you are about the matter.

    & Yes, I love the word butthurt, coz it obviously makes you rage hard.

    Ohh, and when they tested the maps, it shows they have put thought into the testing because they have quite a few categories which show the maps were not ready for matchmaking. Out of the ones which were, these were the best.

    Can I ask. How many people had their maps tested and acted on the test findings?
    #39 B3NW, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    We do this too whenever we judge a contest. It's actually incredibly easy (though our entries are usually around 70-150 so we actually get on every map). When you have rules in place and people don't follow it isn't hard to DQ them. Bungie's rules for this contest were actually much, much more strict than most people realized. Which was purposeful, so that they could DQ almost all the maps.

    However, Joeski winning slayer is quite curious..

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