This is my latest map and first "real" attempt at a BTB map. I set out to make massive, convincing looking forerunner structures, with human and covenant themed bases on either side vying for the middle ground. The map has rough radial symmetry and I am working hard to balance it since each side generally has its own “equivalent” weapons and vehicles. Without further ado... Overview: Covenant Base (attackers) Human Base (defenders) I was thinking of calling it “Our Benefactors” but I figured it’s not memorable to anyone who didn’t play half-life 2. I am still looking for feedback on this one. Is it too open? Are certain areas too defensible? Is it possible to balance covenant and human themed bases? (banshee > falcon, but warthog > qhost, etc.). Since the sniper rifle is better than the beam rifle, I have given both sides a sniper, but I have been so far unwilling to just give both sides banshees and warthogs. Should I just cave and make it even the easy way or should I continue with the themes and just counterbalance with additional weapons? Also still looking for testers if interested. Thanks!
Actually when I saw the map name I was thinking of Dr. Breen XD. Midnight tomorrow night? Should be good for me. ChickenChaser2, if you will. -Dr. McMeaty-
Sweet, glad you recognized it. Hopefully more people jump on before then. Reminder I hope to test this tonight at midnight EST. Feel free to invite people. Thanks!
I'd be interesting in helping you test it and see how it all flows, looks like you created quite a map here. The center structure and Human base remind me alot of Relic was it somewhat inspired by it? Feel free to hit me up GT: SilentRaine.
omigawd. If I wasnt on vacation I would ask you to hit me up on XBL for testing. This looks completely epic, man. Nice job.
Thanks for the positive comments. Yeah, Relic was a bit of an inspiration, as well as some random concept art I had found, which I will definitely post whenever I release the map. I had left this one on the back burner for a while since their wasn't enough interest (after all that work!), but I think I'll be able to test it again in the near future. I'll friend and invite you when the time comes. Equin0x, feel free to add me when you get back from vacation if its still in testing, which it may be given how hard it is for me to get a big enough group together.
Do you want to set up a match tomorrow or ever the weekend? My GT is psquiddy01, and I have been wanting to play on some of your maps for a while. This map, though in testing, looks exceptional, and a lot of fun to play.
Unfortunately I'll be out of town this weekend but I will add you. I would like to try to test on monday though if you can do it then. I'll edit this post later with a specific time.