This map is a bridge map that leads to an upper base. The bridge connects montana and alaska, the two islands right above the valley. first phase is a fight over control of the bridge. There are two territories that you must capture to allow you to get hold of the bomb. The bomb is the second phase. This phase is my personal favorite because its a suicide mission into a wall for the greater good of course. as soon as you blow up the wall and allow your team to enter the base you must now take the core down to the bridge so that your incoming forces may help you defend it and get it back. i would love some feedback if you play this map. send me a message for what you would like to see in it and ill be sure to add it. ps be sure to download the gametype to i am noticing that people aren't downloading the gametype.... thats what makes the second phase. HAVE FUN PLAYING, IMTRIGGERHAPPY9 sorry for only having one picture right now. lol cant promise any more for the moment, but check the map out, people i have played it with say its sweet.
Sorry, but this isn't up to standards, the mods will get on you and lock this if you don't add at least one picture, but many more would be advised. Your description is fine but try adding a list of guns and/or the phases during the invasion game.
The guy above me didn't help you that much. I'm sure he's very sorry. Your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked. All map posts require at least one embeded picture or video. Add a description of at least 500 characters. (it's easy) Give information about your map. ~ More information and help on embedding pictures can be found at this link ~ Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great map post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction. Cheers, HarisSales.
i put a url of my picture that came from my file share... but its not showing.. how do i get a picture from my files share into the thread? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Never mind i figured it out but thanks for the help. i will try to have pictures for all of my posts. [br][/br]Edited by merge: i was wondering if you guys could take these posts down.... i fixed the problem and now it makes my map look bad.... cause the first comment they see is sorry, but its not up to standards
I wouldn't worry so much about posts concerning an issue you took care of. It looks a lot better than a map that isn't up to standards after something has been said. If your map has alluring pictures and a healthy description, these things will speak for themselves. As far as your map goes, it looks like there could be some more cover between the wall and the bridge, especially if you have to fight one way and haul a core back. Hard to tell from two pics but the architecture looks good. You might want to describe weapon loadouts too.
yeah the cover thing actually plays very smoothly. it may not look like it but its the exact right challenge if red team is better than blue, blue wont capture so its based of of skill. ha ha the core part is way fun because while you are taking it back to the bridge the defensive team has one last hope down at the bridge... they can spawn down there. as far as the load outs go they are the basic invasion loadouts.