hi Everybody i'm Cainos From Florence Italy so Sorry for My English, i would share to you my little creature, is a sort of tribute to an old Game SpeedBall, a mix of Football Rugby and Violence. The Gametype is a tipical Assault neutral Bomb, you have 2 teams you need catch the ball and run to touchDown, In the ReachBall Court there are present a lot of elements Mines Cannon Bunging Shields, can help you or disturbed you, and make the game very versatile, probably at the beginning will be a sort of Slayer between the Players, but after a few time the game will become tatttic. The elements prensent in the map and the special abilities you can Use could create a lot of different ways to Score. Unfurtunatly i compleated everything yesterday night and i finish my xbox Gold, so i can't share the map and the gametype now, i'll do tonight, but i Post some videos to show you my work. The First is a sort of Official Trailer and show a lot of things, the other 3 are short Tutorials to show in the details the Basic elements, the basic tattics, and the special abilities allowed with some advices. For the Tutorials Video, i'm sorry, they are in Italian, i wasn't able to create a english version Yet dut i'll do Early, anyway i think they can do their dirty works So Thank you for the attenction and i hope you will enjoy with this Game an Hail From Florence J. Official Trailer Tutorial 01 Basic Elements Tutorial 02 Basic Tattics Tutorial 03 Special Abilities
^he said he has to fix it. per i posti futuro, assicurarsi che si e in grado di scaricare la mappa variante prima di postare qui sul sito. (for future posts, make sure you are able to download the map varient before posting it here on the website.)
thank you so much and sorry if i wrong i Update the map and the gametype i hope you'll enjoy let me know thanks everybody
Hello! This looks interesting. I like the way the game is set up and the playing field for the assault looks cool. As not many of the viewers understand Italian I would advise you add some screenshots of the map. I know the videos show everything but sometimes a few good shots is helpfull. In the videos as they are a tutorial they don't show the game in the fast paced nature of the game. One would be helpfull just showing game played I think. Nice to see other variations of the grifball game. This looks interesting and I am going to test out with some friends when we run custom games next! Nice work