Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Thread (WARNING: Spoilers Inside!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stickmanmeyhem, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Women that look like women now, nice.
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    They are like fallout women cept with cooler hair and more badassery.
  3. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I'm probably not going to add much more, but after reading through the thread, people claim that they want a better story than oblivion.

    While yes a good story would be nice, did you not stop to look at what you already had? The main story takes up about 15-20 hours. I spent 200 hours on one character, meaning only 10% of the game was actually spent with the main story. What really was fantastic was all the side-quests. The guilds were all fantastic additions, (while I was disappointed that it wasn't skill based like Morrowind, it didn't encourage multiple characters). Besides that exploration is amazing, the daedric quests, small towns and camps set up, waiting to be found.

    That being said, bethesda does this series very well, I don't think I'd ever be saying I'm excited for the 5th game in a series besides this one, and it's true, I am very excited. The new engine will be strange for a while, but I have a feeling that it is going to be a fantastic addition, and will help propel it's beauty to even higher levels than when Oblivion first came out.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    @Glasgow, I completely disagree with your notion for an open world that would include boats.

    It's something that would be very difficult to implement into the storyline and the game world itself. I think it would be harmful to the main quest line, since you're meant to be saving the realm you're in, not sailing around anywhere you want to go.

    As much as it might harm the story aspect of the game, it would be even more hellish to design a bigger world around the realm. Why can't I sail here, why can I only visit a few port towns, why can't I control the ship? It would be a nightmare to try and place certain restrictions on where players could and couldn't go with boats. You'd have to do it or go insane trying to make a world big enough to satiate player's thirst for exploration. So, you'd have to place some restrictions on it, probably a lot, to the point where it really wouldn't be worth doing since people would just end up complaining about the restraints. So, it's better that you can't get on boats and sail around at all, minus that one exception in Oblivion.
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i think it wouldve been neat to see boats sailing off the coast in the distance or maybe into a port like anvil, but it would have been a bad idea to actually let you be on one and sail it. unless it was like a fast travel between the imperial city, bravil, leyawiin, and anvil like the silt striders or whatever in morrowind. but that wouldve been redundant in oblivion.
  6. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I was talking about sailing throughout Skyrim, not a realm beyond it. Sailing down rivers in a small fishing boat or bigger ships travel from port to port or off into the distance, that sort of thing. Just small things that make the world feel more realistic. The Imperial City was supposed to be the center of the Empire's politics, commerce, and culture, but no boats sailed up it's rivers or waters.

    I know driving large boats would be troublesome, but what about small dinghies?
  7. Saizyn

    Saizyn Ancient
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    I just want multiplayer................ Can I get a 4 person Co-Op dungeon slaying epic battle please?

    Or at least be able to trade weapons with your friends. That would be sweet too I guess.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It's like a 5 min mod to create sailable small boats. It would be good if it was officially done because then we'd have particle displacement to create some nice realistic ripples.

    But i think it would be a bit imbalanced, i mean its a perfectly safe route as apposed to traveling on land. But it would be a realistic alternative to swimming?
  9. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I would be incredibly frustrated if they put multiplayer in this game.

    Not every game needs multiplayer, and this one especially would suffer from it. The point of the story is to be the lone hero that saves the world they are currently in, ex. Cyrodil in Oblivion, or Morrowind in, well, morrowind.

    Adding a multiplayer like you suggest would reduce the feeling of you being a hero. Not only that, but I can imagine single-player features that would have added a lot to the game would have to be cut if any version of multiplayer was added.

    So what have we learned? Single-player games made to be single-player should NEVER have multiplayer. Look at Fable, and I will speak no further.
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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  11. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I don't think he's suggesting anything that'll wreck the story line. I mean, if you want to be the lone ranger then play by yourself like every other normal rpg, but what he's suggesting, I believe should be the future to rpg, a middle ground between solidarity and an mmo.

    I would love it, if I could set up a game world with my friends, an exclusive file just for us and then have another one for another set of friends or to switch roles. It'd be lovely adding a social element to the game while keeping Bethesda's stories intact.

    I think WoW's greatest downfall is it's storyline. I've played it for about ten minutes and in that time, I never had a sense of discovery or adventure or even unquenchable thirst to solve a mystery. That's part of why I love Oblivion so much, is that it really does give that sense of adventure, that want to go down the rabbit hole and make choices along the way. You don't even have to delve through any stories to have a good time either.

    Personally, jumping around, pushing people off mountains, reading books, collecting stuff, stealing stuff and putting it back, collecting animal pelts, going through every dungeon, killing yourself in multiple ways, telekinetic bowling, etc.

    I'm sure others can add to that list, but there's a lot more than just the story and you know what makes a story better? This will sound cheesy, but friends do.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'm playing Guild Wars at the mo, only because GW2 is coming out soon and i'v always had massive respect for the company.

    But praise Allah and Vishnu that Bethesda is a developer that knows that it's good at; single player open world dynamic rpg.

    My only issue is aaaaaaaaaaaall of these dynamic elements are going to make the game itself unrecognizable from a modders point of view. So many items in a space that all only activate once?
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Game Informer came in the mail yesterday, I came in my pants yesterday. I actually didn't, but I was genuinely excited about Skyrim as I read the article.

    Highlights for me would include hudless combat and even akimbo combat. The combinations of spells, shield, and plethora of weapons will keep me entertained for a very long time. Emperor Palpatine anyone?

    The new menu seems a little cheezy to me, I personally liked the journal in Oblivion. If it's easier to get where you want to go though, then I have no qualms about that, scrolling through a lengthy list in that journal was tiresome. Get in, get out.

    Something that really piqued my interest was the new Radiant Story mode. This is meant to replace the side quests of Oblivion, although I hope they include several good handwritten stories. Anyways, as you play the game, the game tailors new stories to how you've been playing. So, every action has a reaction, whether immediate, as in dropping something in the street to be brought to your attention, or later in the game. So, there's going to be even more NPC encounters available and wider range of encounters.

    Also, there's gonna be some DRAGONS.
  14. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i hope stealth play is a bit better, as in more difficult to be successfully stealthy. once you got your sneak skill up with a decent chameleon spell in oblivion, you go or do whatever you wanted in broad daylight. which wasnt that fun to me.
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I could counter that by saying you make the game as difficult as you want it to be for you. Having a skill that high in combination with those class of spells is very powerful, but isn't that the reward for leveling up those skills that high in the first place? If you want fun, then you want the challenge, personally some of the thieves guild missions were very fun or even if you took it upon yourself to explore the castle without being caught, timing the changing of the guard, the patrol, when people went to sleep, etc... I was tempted to go super sleuth, but that would have taken the fun out of it. With Oblivion, you can make the game as difficult as you want it to be, you should maybe try putting on an enchanted suit of armor that docks points of your sneak points. That's be fun.
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Yea i mean you couldn't possibly create an offline rpg that isn't capable of being abused. Someone will find something, with Oblivion it tended to be how easy it was to collect chamelion or reflect damage enchantments, and gain little less than invulnerability.

    And i'd say that the thieves guild was the most difficult guild by far.
  17. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Agreed. Fighters and Mages Guild seemed to Cater to low level players only. After level 3, there was no challenge in them.
    The thieves guild was pretty tough, considering I always had a low sneak skill. And I hated doing exploits to raise my skill, such as walking into a wall beside a sleeping person.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Depending on the difficulty setting in the game they were still enjoyable. My favorite fighters guild was the one with blackhall mercenaries. Mages guild was pretty awesome too since you get access to enchanting.
  19. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I just created a new character and just started plundering every dungeon I saw.

    Reminds me that Oblivion dungeons were all the ****ing same. Skyrim needs variety, and a wide one at that.
  20. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Exactly my argument at the start of the thread.

    However, each dungeon respawned with different items every three days, so I cant complain. It gave the game infinite playability, unlike Fallout.

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