The Uprising

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    This post relates to my new infection game series; The Uprising. Please read my intro:

    So is it fun being the zombie? no. those Left 4 Dead mimmicks that are meant to be played with survivors that play against weak zombies that are meant to widdle down survivor health. if you're a survivor in this game, you're in luck- unless the pissed-off players who have been chosen for the 3rd long round as the zombie AGAIN quit. this is why i decided to make The Uprising Series.

    This series looks most on fun and realism more so than telling a story or facing the enjoyment of being a survivor. I'm not done with this series yet, so here were my options for fun gameplay:

    1- there is only 1 survivor. he must travel across a small area with very limited armory such as plasma pistol or golf club. zombies kill him instantly but move slowly. their spawning points would be all over the map. the rounds lasts 5 minutes each. there would be multiple rounds to see who can be the survivor and make it to the end of the level

    2- there are 2-5 survivors all placed in different starting points in different scenarios. eventually, all the survivors paths would cross and they could work the rest of it together. because of teamwork, the zombies would have more of an advantage such as higher speed or more endurance.

    3- theres only 2-3 zombies that emerge from very inconspicuous places and take out unaware survivors in an enclosed envirnment. the survivors must work together and move around to find decent weapons. this one's sort of like regular infection except that zombies are slow and durable. for use with enclosed maps only

    either way, i want to stick with realism and fun. slower zombies that kill instantly but weak armed survivors. possibly a good change from the juggernaut survivors and fast zombies? plase help me decide
    #1 P1MPxSLaSH, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    People with the FH Light skin can't read white text. It's best to stick with the default color.
    #2 pyro, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  3. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    so any suggestions on the map or just the post? lol
  4. Saizyn

    Saizyn Ancient
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    I like idea 2. Using a big map area, some dark setting FX's, and Zombie forced color would help give the Zombies a bit of an edge. Several buildings/start points allow the edge to be whittled away at as the group would come together. Thinking of the L4D2 Demo a while back, settings like that would work well if you had the right map layout.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    do not use FX.

    i think you have the basis of a really good idea here, and with a lot of testing and finesse
    it could potentially be amazing
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Option 2 by far sounds the most original and fun inspiring.

    Pull it off right and that could be an amazing game to play.

    Option 1 just sounds like something I did back in H3

    Option 3 sounds no different from anything really.
  7. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    With option 2, every game would be unique in a sense that the survivors meeting would be roughly different every time. survivors could even choose to go back down his friend's path to get him if he's in a stick situation.

    I'd like to see other people do this idea so i could see how it turns out (give cred plz). I was wondering if There could be places survivors could go that zombies cannot. would it effect gameplay that much seeing as though the survivor weapons arent sufficient enough to camp for long at all?
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Option 2 by far sounds the best. If you can pull it off, that is.
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Option 2.

    Also, have you considered having some survivors meet up with each other before the others? As in, survivor 1 and 2 meet at a train station. At roughly the same time, survivors 3 and 4 meet at a cafe. Survivors 1+2 and 3+4 can then meet up later at a movie theater or something. Another twist could involve making Survivor 5 have to lone wolf it all the way to the movie theater, but get a more open path or more ammo to compensate.

    Zombies could spawn in a room in the middle of the map. The paths used by each human and human pair could surround the Zombie spawn, with a teleporter placed facing the direction of that path. Think about it: If humans are given waypoints, the zombies can say something along the lines of "Hey, there's a human waypoint in that direction! We should all go through the teleporter that leads to that waypoint." If the teleporters are placed in the direction of the path they lead to, zombies can use them to travel right to the human they want to travel too.

    I hope I've explained this well enough. Message me or something if you want a more in depth explanation.

    #9 Hogframe, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Just gonna say, using a gimmick like this just to get people to look at this is just retarded. Name the thread accordingly, not something completely unrelated.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I read the first sentence and immediately stopped reading. D:
  12. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    This ^.

    Naming you thread sandtrap and having it completely unrelated would be like me driving around in a truck that plays the ice cream jingle, has a sign that says ice cream. When, in reality, I don't even have freezers, I'm giving away my resume in the hopes that some graphic designer wants ice cream, and instead finds my awesometastic resume.

    Point is, it's a nasty case of subversion >.>
  13. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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    wait, you have ice cream? can i have some?
  14. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    To be completely honest, I've spent the past few days (unaware of this post) creating a map using the exact same idea provided by option two. I'm working on a series and needed a way for the survivors to meet up before the journey map that I made. I'm about to post a preview, and if you want, I'll send you an invite to check it out.

    Only problem is, the creating of three separate paths costs a lot of money. I literally used every $10 item that I could, and barely made every path lead to the finale. I was hoping there'd be more of a path after they all meet up, but budget constraints simply do not allow for it.

    The way the map is designed, every path has a hold out point at the end, where a door doesn't open until 110 seconds. That way all the survivors, if they are alive, get to the finale simultaneously. Based on that, the gametype is 3 minutes long.

    A smaller version variant of what I did could be done and still have a finale path, but the design probably wouldn't work as proposed. The map would almost have to look like a balloon on a string. In the giant circular area, survivors would all spawn. They would be directed towards the central path either through map cues, design, or spawn point directions. This would achieve the same effect (giving he feeling that survivors actually meet during this zombie attack). Once the path narrows down to a single path, the map can be built like a journey map from that point on. Almost like a mixture of free roam and journey.
  15. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    yes exactly :D it'd be fun and yes very expensive. However, I was thinking that if there would be 3 survivors, that 2 of the starting paths would be generally short and then eventually meet up with a longer 3rd path survivor so each time you'd play, you might be one of the guys on the shorter path, or you might be that guy taking the longer, lonlier road that meets up with the 2 other guys later on. this would be less expensive and give a surprise every time you play. the path of the map would look like this:

    l......\... 3

    the blue numbers are the starting points of each of the survivors and the "l"s are the path. i think this would be the ideal layout instead of this:


    haha ya thanks there guy. it was more of a joke that something completely serious take it easy there lol. it was actually smart because it made more people check out the post. i changed it before anyone said anything about it anyway lol you guys need to loosen up
    #15 P1MPxSLaSH, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011

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