
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Psychosis687, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Map Description
    An inverse symmetrical map within the Coliseum. Sanctum makes you feel as if you're in another part of the Halo Installation with its Forerunner-esque architecture. The obscure, yet familiar angles, add to the atmosphere to the map, as do the differencing light depending on which side of the map you're on.

    Games on Sanctum can hold between 2 teams of 4 people up to any combination of 16 players (preferably 4 teams of 4 players). 4-Flag, 4-Bomb, and any other team game that supports 4 Teams can be set up, here. Almost any party size above 8 players can play comfortably here.

    Supported Gametypes
    - Assault
    - Capture the Flag
    - Headhunter
    - Infection
    - Juggernaut
    - King of the Hill
    - Oddball
    - Slayer
    - Stockpile
    - Territories

    Weapon Set
    DMR - 6 - 60 sec
    Plasma Pistol - 2 - 60 sec
    Needle Rifle - 4 - 60 sec
    Needler - 2 - 90 sec
    Rocket Launcher - 1 - 180 sec (Delayed Spawn)
    Shotgun - 2 - 120 sec (Delayed Spawn)

    Health Packs - 4 - 15 sec
    Plasma Grenades - 8 - 60 sec

    Juggernaut Only
    Evade - 2 - 90 sec
    Hologram - 2 - 90 sec








    #1 Psychosis687, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  2. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    First off, the bad news: The font should NOT be in blue. Its VERY hard to read. But now the good news: it looks like the map would play VERY well. I will play it to see if the "atmosphere" is as good as you say.
  3. FuzzyGhost

    FuzzyGhost Forerunner

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    As Squidkake said, you may want to change the colour of the text in your post. Now, on to the map.

    I downloaded this earlier and although I haven’t had a chance to get a game on it I thought I would drop back with my thoughts after a forge through. Slight frame rate lag when looking towards the middle from the bases although it would be expected in such a condensed map. While it is there it is nowhere near bad enough to make a game unplayable so not a huge problem. Although the steps at the front of the bases look good the bumps are kind of annoying, although that may just be my opinion. Having the three FX on can make some parts of the map really dark which lends itself towards the darker teams, practically blue, as some players can become almost invisible. I had a fiddle around with the FX in forge and the easiest way to solve the problem would be by removing the Next Gen and Colour blind FX while leaving the Juicy FX to keep the awesome colours that you had on the map.

    On positives the map has a really nice design making it easy to learn after a few minutes in the game. The coloured pieces above top middle and the pillars are a really nice touch to guide players in the right direction without having them running back in the direction of their own base. The weapon layout is nicely balanced although having two shotguns both with an extra clip may be a little overpowering in the smaller corridors and rooms around the middle, something I’ll look into when I can get a game on here.

    All in all though a really nice map for free for all and small team games. 8.5/10. The part with the FX is the only thing that still bugs me about this.
  4. Psychosis687

    Psychosis687 Forerunner

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    Fixed the color of the post.

    As for the Frame rate, that's only because you're looking at it in Forge. In game, there is no Frame rate lag, at all.

    The bumps were the steps are, that's on purpose. They are steps, so giving the player the feeling that you're going up steps, rather than a ramp, was intended.

    I tried only having the Juicy FX on, at first. But, it didn't lend itself to the atmosphere of the map as best I wanted or felt. So, I added Next Gen and Colorblind to add some darkness to Sanctum, and the atmosphere felt more correct with the map layout. Yes, I wanted the colors to stand out during Team games (which is how you'll see the colors), but I also wanted the atmosphere to fit the map.

    The way I colored the 4 corners of the map, I had inspiration to do that from Mario Kart 64's Battle Multiplayer mode. Also, having a specific area colored to a certain team's colors usually helps the player, anyway.

    The Shotgun may seem to be overpowered here, but it really didn't see as much use as you're predicting in the times I've played the map. Whether that's from how it spawns 2 minutes into the game, or because of the player, or because of other circumstances, I don't know which. But, I did find it to be balanced quite well.

    LD: Remember that we also have a Light Board, so if you post in white, a lot of our members can't see it at all. Just post like everyone else and use the standart color :p
    #4 Psychosis687, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2011

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