^^it just worked 4 me tho. on topic i picked the nube tube but that does not make me a nube because i use the timed explosion thing and im good with it. and it stuns stuff. its cool
Just voted. I'm going to have to go with the needle rifle. It's a useful step up from the carbine; if you don't kill 'em with headshots, you can kill 'em with a supercombine.
No DMR option? Not saying I'd vote for it, but I'm sure many would. I gotta go with the Focus Rifle, Grenade Launcher and Concussion Rifle in that order, though they're all pretty close tbh. I really wish MLG would pick up the two that they haven't already, both FR and CR would make excellent power weapons depending on the map. The FR in particular is a great long range assist weapon and destroys in the right hands at close range, it's sooooooo much fun. And as long as the CR wasn't given too much ammo it'd be the perfect mid-level power weapon alongside the GL.
Wow i'm an idiot. i hated the BR so much, and played with the DMR in the beta, i didn't even think to put it in there. oops.
I don't see why the DMR is not on there, or the plasma pistol for that matter because it's so different now that it actually kills.
I'd have to say the Thumper (grenade launcher), it's like a mini-rocket launcher in my hands. But you know, with more ammo. It's funny because it's true.
Just because in CoD noob tubes are well, noobish, doesn't mean that any weapon entitled "Grenade Launcher" instantly is a skill-less gun that sets you apart as a noob if you use it. In fact, I find that the Grenade Launcher takes more skill than nearly any other gun in Reach, right up there with the Sniper and the DMR, and that's why they call it the ProPipe<3. And along with nearly taking the most skill, it has also stolen my heart (Lol) and now stands as my favorite gun in Halo, all-time. So if it isn't obvious by now, I chose the Grenade Laucher for #1.
The Needle rifle is my favorite new weapon at the moment. I find that I play much better with it then when I use the DMR and it's a great feeling seeing that final needle hit an enemy and seeing them explode. Concussion rifle gets second for me.
Agreed. The very steep damage drop off, specific trajectory and trigger release mechanism combine to produce a highly skilful weapon. Getting a Yoink with the GL is quite possibly the most satisfying single kill I've ever made in Halo. But seriously people, I expected more love for the focus rifle. It's what the Sentinel Beam always should have been. There are a few people over at MLG even suggesting that it should be the starting weapon for the MLG gametypes, and whilst I can't quite get on board with that I'd love to see it appear more.