Fallout: Hoover Dam

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Taurus480, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    Hi guys, I discovered this site about a month ago when i found out someone by the name of "Not naming any names" stole one of my maps and posted it on here claiming it to be his. Anyway ive been looking at the site for a while now and have became interested in posting here.

    This is my first post on the site and my map is based off of Fallout New Vegas Hoover Dam and the battle that takes place at the end of the game.

    Here are some screenshots of the map.





    The game variant that I made for this map was thrown together because I am not too experienced at making working game variants lol. Anyway feel free to create your own game variant because im sure it will probably be better than mine.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask!
    #1 Taurus480, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2011
  2. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    thanks man, I actually have tons of maps like these that ive made. If you ever want to see any more of them you can message me on Xbl, my gamer tag is Taurus480
  3. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forgehub and congrats on posting your map with pictures without someone having to tell you. I'm glad you found forgehub because your map is sick, but I'm sad to hear the pretenses you found this website. Anyways here's a few tips on posting maps: having a weapons list and showing where the major ones are via pictures is always helpful. Also a description of your map and gametype would be nice like where the territories for the invasion tiers are. Also I just wanted to say how boss your aesthetics look and that your map looks really cool.
  4. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    yeah, I was getting to it. I spent like 30 minutes typing everyhting out and making it look perfect and when i went to post it, the site told me i was logged out so I had to redo the whole thing lmao, right now im just releasing everything in pieces so I dont have to worry about that again XD

    I have posted a video on youtube about other maps ive created in the past, Here is the link

    YouTube - Amazing Halo Reach Forge Maps
    #4 Taurus480, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  5. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    WOW! This map is pretty amazing. I'll definitely give it a DL and let you know how it goes. Reading this, I had a sick idea for invasion games. At one of the tiers, the team should plant the bomb at the bottom of the dam. When it goes off and the second tiwr begins the dam blows up. If you don't know how to do that, look it up on youtube. There's an easy way to make walls blow up. You can just apply it to this. Maybe it's a bad idea, I just like things that explode.
  6. oz0 Bradley 0zo

    oz0 Bradley 0zo Forerunner

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    <-Great map, that is all.>

    -__<END OF MAP REVIEW>>-

    by the way while we are on the topic of maps being stolen. I have seen a couple of your maps in the video on here too. The DC one in particular. If your truly are the creator, then bravo good sir, but I can no longer trust any one after finding out about the last byte. Good night and god bless.
  7. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    It is a very good idea but their was just a few problems with that. I dont have the money or the spare parts to do it. my budget is at 0$ also the map is basd off of the battle between N.C.R. and ceasar's legion and the dam never gets blown up. Anyway like I said its a good idea and i think I might use that for a future map ;)

    Edited by merge:

    Hmmm i didnt notice some of my other maps were posted on the site, the only one i noticed was the republic cruisor. A link would be nice. Also i bet you all of those maps have Created by Taurus480 in the file options ;)
    #7 Taurus480, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  8. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    I never played fallout but I figured you wouldn't have the spare parts. It doesn't surprise me that you ran out of budget the map is extremely detailed.
  9. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice, most "dam" maps that I've seen are just big walls next to the water. But by the looks of it, you actually took the time to build a pretty good dam. Nice job.
  10. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was actually kind of disappointed with New Vegas. The main missions went by way too quick. I was kind of pissed when the game ended right after this part. I still need to get the DLC though... and the Noble Map Pack.
    But this map seems legit. Too bad you ran out of budget, because this is actually a lot smaller than the Fallout model. A lot of the details from New Vegas you probably couldn't put it (like the "F*CK THE NCR!!" graffiti everywhere), but this seems as close as you could get. The aesthetics look great, everything is nice and smooth, and nothing hurts the eyes.
    It seems like it's kind of small for an invasion map, but it seems like it could work, though I'm not sure how it will work with just one path for most of the map. With parts of the map closed off, it could make for an interesting snipers match. It could play a lot like Narrows.
  11. Sportnlife

    Sportnlife Forerunner

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    Looks like an amazing map! Having recently played the Dam in Fallout New Vegas I'm amazed at how acurate you actually made this. I'll download it and post any issues I find in play tests.
  12. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    yup, if you want send me an invite and i will play a couple games with ya on it. Also just finished the basic layout of my next map Fallout: New Vegas. Should be posting it on here real soon :)

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