Here are the best screenshots i could dig up in my dusty old bungie file: P.S. its a lot Its kind of weird but the pics cannot become any larger. I used imageshack, and it has an option to make the images larger, but I don't know what is wrong. Any way, I hope you like these, they were not image-edited, and very hard to make (staged of course, but not edited)
you gotta make em bigger, though the recon one is awesome! ya know, i could use one of those as an avatar
i have no notion of me stating I made these pics. I only said they were hard to make, because I know the guy who made them, and he told me about how hard they were. Sorry for any uncertainties about that
i would say make em bigger but then it would take a year to scroll down to c them all, they r really cool i like them allot well done 11/10
I can tell what you tried to do: you worded it just right so you'd have that excuse to fall back on, while making it sound like you made them. "Dug them up from my dusty old Bungie file", "My best screenshots."
wow three of those screens are mine if you dont believe me here is my fileshare: C
You put MY in the thread title. Obviously people are gonna think you did them. The pics are awesome, thats why some were on Bungie favs.
H3C, I didnt at all mean to make you think these were mine, I just wanted to show them, and for some reason, no matter the effort I put into it, the pics wont become larger.