**If you're not concerned about spoilers, skip this paragraph** This thread has to do with the third level of the Reach campaign. Although it does not reveal any major plot points, it may reveal details you don't want to know about the campiagn. (But seriously, unless you've been living under a rock for the past month, you've already beat this mission or have no interest in campaign) Anyway, if you don't want your campign experience ruined in the slightest, do not read this thread. If you've stuck with me through this entire paragraph and don't care about spoilers, it's time to read on. Alrighty, this is a trick I found while playing campaign that makes the second half of the level immensely easier. You know how after you reactivate the the AA gun and the Comms array with Kat there are a bunch of unmovable barriers that prevent you from taking vehicles farther into the level? Well I've found a way to get past that barrier and get a vehicle all the way to the end of the level. That's right. You can be driving all over Sword Base in a Ghost. Those pesky Elites are now a piece of cake. So this trick begins right after you take out the two Wraiths right outside Sword Base. I usually leave one Wraith alive so I can jack it, but that part is up to you and completely optional. It's also helpful to grab a Plasma Pistol for the next bit. Take the path that goes to the right (to the AA gun). Right after you leave the area with the Wraiths, you will encounter some Grunts and some Ghosts. Destroy all but one Ghost and kill all the Grunts. Now jack the remaining Ghost from that poor unsuspecting Grunt. His day is about to get much, much worse. Once you have successfully boarded and stolen the lil' guy's Ghost, pull a u-turn and head back towards Sword Base. We're going to park this Ghost by the base so we have an intact vehicle to use later on in the level. Nice parking job buddy... Now you can back to the regulary scheduled mission. Activate the blah, blah, blah. Let me know when you get to the comms array... You there? Good. Now take out all the Covenant foot soldiers before turning your attention to the Revenant. Take out the driver and gunner, or run up and jack it. A Plasma Pistol is ideal for this kind of work, but as you can see, a Needler will also work in a pinch. Elites are no match for the power of the NEEDLER! Now that we have the Revenant safely under our command, proceed to activate the comms array and kill any remianing enemies. After this is done, go back to the entrance of Sword Base. Now use our freshly acquired Revenant to "clean house" as some would say. Take out all the Ghosts, Revenants and Infantry in the area. It's a good idea to only kill the drivers of the vehicles, and not the vehicle itself in case we need an emergency back-up vehicle later on in the level. Spartan + Futuristic Alien Weaponry = One man wrecking crew. Now here's the fun part. Round up all the intact vehicles that you want to use in the next part of the level. I recommend at least two Revenants and one Ghost. Warthogs aren't that useful unless you have a human partner to drive it for you. Check out my sweet rides dude! Now open the door to Sword Base and drive all your vehicles just inside of the door. This prevents you from being cut off from your supply of machinery if the door decides to close. Now take one of your Revenants and drive it up against the unmovable barriers, but facing away from them. This will create a ramp that we can use to drive our vehicles over. It's like your very own stunt park. Now drive one of your vehicles over to the other side (Preferably a Revenant) and get rid of all enemy opposition. This should be a piece of cake as they have no anti-vehicle weapons. Just be on the lookout for Plasma Pistols and Sticky Grenades. Now that the path is clear, hop out of your vehicle and head on back over the barrier. Up, up, and Away! You might have to turn the Revvie-Ramp sideways so the ghost can make it over. After all of your vehicles are over the barrier, move into the basement-ish area and eradicate those Hunters with your trusty Revenant. Just make to strafe back and forth while keeping up a steady stream of fire and you should be fine. Hunters can't stand up to fiery bolts of plasma. This next part is a little tricky. You have to take your Ghost into the little room over on the side and maneuver it into the elevator. The reason I say ghost is because Revenants can't fit into the room and Warthogs... well... I'll just show you. It seems Warthogs don't play nice with elevators. Also, deadly explosions are even deadlier in the confines of such an elevator. So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the Ghost. You will probably have to melee/shoot the wing(s) of the Ghost to make it fit through the door if it is not suitably damaged by now. It should be just narrow enough to fit through the door and into the elevator. You'll be squeezed right up next to Kat and it'll be a tight fit, but you can definitely manage to fit it all in there... er... the Ghost, I mean, not... you know... I guess Ghosts are just too bad-ass to pay attention to the laws of physics. Anyway, once you get to the top of the elevator, mount up and mow 'em down with a hail of plasma fire. I think you should be able to finish out the level on your own from here, but here are some helpful hints: -Take it slow whenever there aren't any enemies around, you don't want to fall all the way back down to the bottom. -Boosting is much much more effective than the plasma cannons in tight hallways. Multi-kills, here i come. -You might have to contort the Ghost into some odd angles to cross some bridges, but it shouldn't be too bad. Congratulations! You just beat the level! And wasn't it so much more fun than dealing with each Elite with a gun? Wanna see some action shots? Sure ya' do! Wait? How'd you get THAT past security? No... No... NO! N- SPLAT! I reallyyyyy don't think those shields are gonna help you. Look both ways before crossing the hallway... He looks like he's seen a ghost! Even Phantoms are no match for the power of my Ghost. Never thought you'd see one of these up here, did you?
Is the ghost good against the phantom? Pretty neat trick though, I got the revenant over to kill the hunters during my Solo legendary run but that's it.
Eh, it's not that bad. It took me around a minute to take it out. I'd still recommend using the rockets on it though, I just used the ghost to get some cool pictures.
Thank you so much for this! I hate this level and i cant beat the hunters on solo legendary but now i can with a revenant >
Sweet, I wish I had known this when I was doing my solo legendary run (I got past the hunters by saving a rocket launcher and a sniper)
Glad I could help! When I first figured it out I was like: "Haha! These hunters are toast. Hold on a second.... can i fit a ghost- yes! haha! bring it on sword base!" It definitely made that zealot and general much much easier to take out.
Pretty neat trick but it's still worth beating that level solo legendary legit without using tricks... oh wait nvmnd I used a gauss hog...
What's not legit about it? If Bungie didn't want me using a ghost there then they should have put better preventive measures in
Old trick is old trick is old. I might have beat you to this by more than three months, and the internet beat ME by even more. Cool deal but as I said, nothing super special.
Huh? I posted this a month after the game came out... how could you have beaten me by more than three months?
hahahaha, fun thread i also used a gauss to kill the hunters but this is pretty amusing for the rest of the level