(OLD POST)Very simple map I made. I'll be honest, it only took a couple hrs, but the small amount of effort turned into a great, mirrored-symmetrical map that me and my friends love. Unfortunately, it is only for slayer so far, but if i get comments telling me to pursue this map, then I will include other gametypes in v2. If I get comments like that, please tell me what gametypes should be good for this map. The map higly resembles Cliffhanger, one of Bungie's maps on Forgeworld. The biggest difference is that this map inlcudes a ghost for both sides. (NEW EDITIONS)I went "back to the drawing board" and realized that the map was WAY too simple. I spent a couple more hours testing and critiqeing until I made a worthy DL v2. I added rocks for cover, like suggested, I made the map compatable with other gametypes other than slayer, and I added a couple more weapons. Here is the NEW weapon list: 4 DMRs 2 Grenade Launchers 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Needle Rifles 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Energy Sword and a couple stickies here and there (You probably can't see it, but the sword spawns in that room, and I added a taller rock so you can climb up from floor 1 to floor 2.) ENJOY! And please leave comments and say whatever you think will make the map better. I respect all critisism.
I've seen the last version, and I still think that it still looks too simple. Better than before, but there's nothing to make this map totally unique. I would suggest adding some more cover on top of the bunker ramps and a second ramp up to the base where those rocks are now. (pic 2) Next time you post a new version of you're map try and update the old post instead of making a new one. It just isn't fair to some people.
I'm just gonna totaly start from scratch because no one seems to like this. I'll find some way to make this map "unique"
This idea ias unique, you just need more cover and just more stuff in the map in general like bridges or something. It is too wide open with just four bases and a middle circle.