Longview is a medium-large symmetrical (12-16 players) map that I made for slayer and CTF (Assault works too). It's a floating map with lots of open bridge walkways and ramps but it is relatively easy to get around. Includes elevators and lifts for quick movement between levels. There are two falcons, one on each side, and a laser in the middle of the lower bridge. This is just one "base". There is also a center structure. This is kind of the frontline of one of the sides. Elevator lifts that shoot you to the top and in between a small room with sniper spawn. Let me know what y'all think
Looks very neat. Just from your pics (you should probably add more) I cannot see any big areas. It justs looks like bridges. In order for better balance I'd recommend you put in some bigger platforms so players can move atound more while they are under fire.. Anyway I'll dl and try it out.
It does seem like the large amount of bridges would restrict movement space but when I played a few games on it, I found that the easy movement between levels allowed for quick entries/exits from battles. You may be right though. If anyone else feels restricted by the limited movement space, let me know. ......looking for some feedback [br][/br]Edited by merge: Come on guys...somebody give me some feedback. I promise you will find this map at least somewhat enjoyable.
THis is a really coool map with the elevators and everything. The fights that occur between the falcons seem like they would be boring just because there is no air cover. but other than that looks cool for CTF.
Well i originally had banshees but they dominated the map and it was hard to get a shot off with the plasma pistol