I have higher scores than three of the records...but that's probably because they haven't been updated in awhile Team or Solo: Team Map: Rally Point Difficulty: Easy Highscore: 376,268 Evidence: Service Record I think we had around 15 lives left... but my friend had to leave. Team or Solo: Solo Map: Windward Difficulty: Easy Highscore: 316,102 Evidence: Service Record I know my service tag is really stupid... but I couldn't think of anything else.
Team or Solo: Team Map: Alpha Site Difficulty: Heroic Highscore: 732,274 Evidence: Bungie.net : Halo 3 ODST Firefight Game : Alpha Site (Co-Op) : 11.14.2009 6:48 AM Just did this yesterday.
Team or Solo: Solo Map: Lost Platoon Difficulty: Easy Highscore: 756,939 Evidence: Don't have LIVE to submit any. But it's not high anyways. Plus I stopped trying after 200,000 score.
Team or Solo: Solo Map: Lost Platoon Difficulty: Normal High Score: 21,136,352 Evidence: HaloCharts and Bungie.net : Halo 3 ODST Firefight Leaderboards
Team or Solo: Team Map: Lost Platoon Difficulty: Heroic Highscore: 1,183,013 Evidence:http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/leaderboard.aspx?player=ArmedMike Ward
Team or Solo:solo offcourse Map:lost platoon Difficulty:easy Highscore:1,896,531 Evidence:Bungie.net : Stats Sign Up