Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rolfero, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I forgot about that one, but I don't think anyone will be receiving credit since it's already a widely accepted thing I've seen many other places.

    You should be pleased to hear Rifte, I've started completely rewriting this so I can post that and keep it updated myself. As for the broken links/images, I tested the code in a post preview and it all worked fine. I have no clue what got messed up.
    #161 pyro, Dec 25, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2010
  2. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Could you explain exactly what the directing teleporter does? It looks interesting but I don't quite understand it.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    It gives info on how to make people come out of a teleporter facing in certain directions in a more complicated way useful for designing trampolines, catapults, accelerators, etc.
  4. King Cobra 53

    King Cobra 53 Forerunner

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    [Sorry but I'm new at this how do I post my own tricks
  5. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Many of these such as Evade Jump/Survive All Falls aren't forge tricks, I think they should me removed/moved to a different thread. Also, since we are discussing it: tapping sprint while falling to your death will save you, as you take no damage while sprinting.

    Anyway, my tip is how to set block objects to angles you normally couldn't due to restrictions in the system. If you place a ramp incline (22.5) at a 45 degree angle, and then smash a block (set to fixed and also a 45 degree angle) against it, the block will take on the 22.5 degree angle. Drop it, and then take of 45 degree snapping. Pick it back up, and move it where you wish. This works with almost any block, as long as it isn't signifigantly larger than the incline. Ramp xls and ramp 2x2 2x1 and are all at 22.5 degree angles, steeps are at 45 degree angles.
  6. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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  8. King Cobra 53

    King Cobra 53 Forerunner

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    I got one
    Warning possibly boring story may follow
    Last night i was thinking "someone should try to make a 9/11 tribute map". so i started messing around in forge and i realized that you can make vehicles the bomb. this can open soo many possibilities
    EX: -9/11 tribute with banshees the bomb
    -car bombs for machinimas
    -car bombs
    -kamikazi banshees
    and soo many more
  9. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    That kinda epic, I could see a 9/11 tribute working well. I've messed around in forge before, and using a combination of objects set to invasion: Gates and Inv:weapons, you can give things the appearance of exploding. Thats not quite a tip, but still a good idea.

    That leads to my tip/trick

    In Invasion, you can make things appear to explode that are fixed structures. Set the objects that you want to make explode as invasion gates. then, place another of each of these objects. Orient them to look like they've exploded. Set them to inv_weapon. When one phase ends and the next begins, it'll look like the building exploded. I could see this having numerous uses.
  10. King Cobra 53

    King Cobra 53 Forerunner

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    ya iv known that for a while but still its good
  11. geoffrey603

    geoffrey603 Forerunner

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    You can set a 'hill' to follow a certain player, if you give an armour ability a shape. you can force players to pick it up on initial spawn as it has a certain radius within which it gets picked up so unfortunately to force pickup you have to have an AA free gametype otherwise it's a "hold X to swap for Hologram" etc. My friend and I tested this out with a stockpile gametype, it worked well and was hilarious. If only you could modify stockpile hill traits or make KOTH kill based, damn stupid nerfing IMO. unfortunately the hill will remain with the dead body until the AA respawns. This has most probably been discovered so much that there is no point in my submission but i'm just hoping to add to the list. :p
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I saw a thread for this somewhere a long time ago, but it would really help if you can find it as I don't seem to remember where it was.
  13. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i like the drop pod, can you have 2 people go at once tho?
  14. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You should be able to but both would have to be in before one picked up the custom powerup or whatever is holding it up.
    #174 pyro, Jan 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  15. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Last night Noklu found an amazing glitch

    Walls which cannot be manipulated again upon releaseing AND they become invisible! You cannot move through them, but you CAN shoot through.... it was unbelievable. I replicated his experiment and it worked! Noklu deserves the Nobel Prize for this discovery that will undoubtably change minigames and infection forever......

    You'll have to ask him how to do it, I am not telling.

    still not telling -_-
    #175 vesicles, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  16. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    This basically means I have to post here. Gah.

    Just going to start on a low note: As far as I know, this can only be reliably performed in Alaska, specifically, above the cave. It can only be reliably performed with a window coliseum. To add to this, vesicles found that it was possible at the caves in the gulch (water cave) but the only purpose for this would be to block off the entrance. Also, from anecdotal evidence, it is possible to perform at the Island and the Coliseum. I do not as of no know how to duplicate this effect at the latter two locations.

    To perform the trick, one must use a window coliseum and locate oneself over the cave in Alaska. Using 90 degree snap, rotate the window so that it is pointing straight up/down. Then, merge it into the ground until all but the triangular section at either end remains. Let go at this point and the object should disappear. You cannot see it, but you can shoot and nade through it. It is impossible for any object, including yourself and vehicles to pass through it, unless it is set to phased. In that respect, the window behaves as normal, except it is invisible.

    The reason why I recommend using the area above the cave is that the window tends to stick through into the cave area, which is advisable as the object cannot be manipulated once it is invisible, but the bottom section that sticks through the cave ceiling is visible. You can grab that and from there manipulate the window in any fashion. I have found success in areas further from the cave, but one lacks the ability to alter the object once placed in other areas.

    While it requires to be sunk until only the triangle remains, you can raise it up a considerable distance without it reappearing. Also, for those of you with thoughts of creating invisible objects and moving them elsewhere, this will not work. It is not a trait that will remain with the object, rather it is a set of conditions which are met by the area in question.

    There is considerable potential for this discovery within mini-games and puzzles and even races. One can have a race section bordered by invisible walls.

    Thanks to Jonzorz124 and vesicles for their aid in discovering and testing this glitch, respectively.
  17. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    i found a trick out a couple of days ago
    dont know if anyone else has found it yet

    its a one way bubble sheild using a killball
    if you cover the center or a killball making the outer part harmless
    it makes it so that anything inside of it is imune to attacks
    but can still attack from inside
    a plasma launcher will stick to the outside of the kill ball
    but if shot from inside it will pass straight through
  18. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's actually a pretty cool tip, giving the KB a real use outside of minigames.
  19. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    this thread is sweet, i learned a few things. Will the drop pods kill you at taller heights?
  20. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    For the kill ball, not just the center ball of it has to be covered, an entire diameter of it does. For instance, if you merge a two by two block to completely cover the center ball, the kill ball still functions normally. But if you cover the entirety of it's diameter, it does not, IF you are on the side where the center ball isn't visible.
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