Hello forgehub, I've made this new gametype called: Enforcer. Yes, I have posted this before and got some really cool feedback that helped me a lot. But now that I've made the necessary changes, I'm ready to see what people think of Enforcer. (And kick me in the pants a few times) -Rules- Enforcer is a territories variant that focuses on teamwork. Players are given, infinite ammo, 1.5x overshields and 150% damage resistance. Simple right? Edit: Air vehicles and tanks will not appear while playing. -Classes- Recon-DMR,Magnum-Evade-2Frags Basically, it's this player's duty to jump right into those territories at the start of the round. Medic-Plasma Pistol-Drop Shield-2Frags Yeah, you can already guess that this class just heals other players. But remember that the plasma pistol can still be used to drain enemy shields and short out enemy vehicles. Warden-Spiker-Armor Lock-2Frags The Spiker in this class can tear an enemy shields apart at close range. Sharpshooter-Sniper Rifle-Hologram-1Frag The Sniper Rifle has been balanced, do to the player traits given. (Two shots to the head) Stalker-Gravity Hammer-Active Camo-1Frag The Gravity Hammer is also balanced due to player traits. (Two smashes) -Banner- My older brother made this banner for me and I will use it when I post this gametype on Forgehub. So I bet he'd appreciate some comments on that. That's all I have to say for now. Please leave a comment and tell me weather you see any problems or not. EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot! I'm looking for some maps that would be fun to play Enforcer on. So if you have or know any big vehicle maps like The Spire, Boneyard or Tempest. Please let me know so that I can place them in a 'Suggested Maps' section in my future post.
Its seems good at first. You can win using either skill, teamwork or pure ignorance (grav hammer?) Anyway you shouldn't have air vehicles. They'll be shreded by the loadout sniper. The weapons you should use are mongeese, warthogs, ghosts, scropions, and revenants. Wraiths wouldn't work well because high damage resistance will make it so you need a perfect hit which would be near-impossible. You could have however for people who have skill and intelligence.
I do have to apologize. I forgot to mention in my post that I did set up Enforcer to remove air vehicles and tanks. Allowing mongoose, warthogs and ghost. I'm not entirely sure about Revenants though.