I love it! most mini games are set in the custom games, but this one takes it to firefight! I personally think that this gametype is amazing, but I have one question: When you scroll your AR (If you are a spartan) over the right elite, will his name show?
pretty deceptive idea. While the spartan is looking for the real elite he takes incoming fire from the others adding to his or her confusion. finally a firefight gametype designed specifically for the elite players.
wow I'm really excited about playing this. The only issue is that the armor color must be blue and that cant be prevented I know. I have never seen something this innovative firefight wise. Me and my friends will have a blast with this.
If i remember right, you can set Forced Color. I'm nout sure if this applies for Elite Players and Spartans separated but it doesn't make such a big difference if you play as a blue Spartan. As long as the Elite Players are Blue too.
I did have noticed, but before i could upload the new version my reach was broken. But i have a new reach so i will update the new version soon.
One problem: the real elites are a slightly lighter blue than the elfake elites. Apart from that, this gametype is perfect
[FONT="]I already tried to solve that problem and i think the secondary colour has to do something with it, but i can't say for sure.[/FONT]
This is AMAZING. A brilliant an unique minigame thats in firefight!, pretty much like assasins creed. Just one thing though, I would make the elites have infinite ammo so they can waste some blending in with the others when they shoot, but people can change that manually when they dl if they want. Another thing, you could make another gametype where the elites can only assinate to make it more interesting. But anyway, awsome.
Awesome it reminds me of the bit in condemned when you are looking at every mannequin thinking hmmmm? ATTACK JUST INCASE ATTAAAAACK
Who would've thought there would be someone to come up with a creative firefight gametype. Good job, firefight is now fun.